Bean the Dynamite
One of my real friends would like this guy *cough*
Debut: Sonic the Fighters
Appearances: Sonic the Fighters
Age: 15
DOB: June
Species: Duck
Eyes: Black
Color: Green and Orange
Height: 157 cm
Weight: ?
Weakness: ?
Dislikes: ?
Likes: Explosives (duh)
Enemies: Eggman, Fang the Sniper and Metal Sonic.
Friends: ?
Residence: Dynamite factory (*ahem*)
Abilities: Attacking with bombs.
    This little dude LOVES bombs and explosives (kinda sounds like my friend "Psycho" as we call him). Who'd have thought that by looking at his face? One more reason you shouldn't judge a person based on looks.

     There are rumors that he's the son of Dynamite Dux - an old SEGA classic character - but this still remains unconfirmed (I personally doubt it).
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