Freelance World Submission Form

Fill out the form below to submit a Frelance World. This form must be filled out completely. Incomplete submissions will be deleted.

Freelance worlds should be organized and fairly well written. Different areas and subjects should be divided into different pages preferably. Pretty graphics aren't important. Submissions will be judged by content not appearance. Each page should contain the Authors Name (or character nick) and an accurate E-mail address.

Authors Name or Character Nick:

Accurate E-mail Address

World Details

World Name:

Short Descript: What are you submitting? A race? World? Legend? NPC? Let me know what I'm gonna be looking at.

URL of World: If the world has more than 1 page create an index and send me that addy. Make sure the addy is accurate. If you don't know how to create web pages to post your world on let me know here. I might consider helping you out. Don't expect graphics or anything fancy.

Plans for the Future: Do you planning on adding more to this world or are you done with it? I don't care if a world contains 1 thing or 1000 things, just let me know what your plans are.

*NOTE: This Form works for WebTV users.

Worlds remain the property of the Author. This Form is a request to link your world in the Freelance Worlds section. It is not a request to add your World to the game permanently. Freelance Worlds will be unlinked from the game at the authors request.

�2001 Joe Pombo

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