Arena Submission Form

Fill out the form below to create a dueling arena. This form must be filled out completely. Incomplete submissions or those with an obvious lack of effort will be deleted.

Accpted Arenas will earn your character $15/15exp.

Character Nick:

Accurate E-mail Address

Arena Details

Arena Name:

Operator: Who owns and operates the arena. Give at least two or three sentences about the operator.

Arena Descript: Describe the arena itself, include its setting and anything else that is unique about it. Be Detailed!

Televised: A simple "yes" or "no" is acceptable.

Special Rules: Don't list more than 1 or 2 things which must be rolled for when dueling in this arena. Don't list more than 1 or 2 other conditions either. Unique does not have to equal complicted. These might be edited before the arena is posted.

*NOTE: This Form works for WebTV users.

Note: Anything accepted may be changed or tweaked as I see fit. The player will be payed his $$/exp even if the submission doesn't end up being exactly what he sent in.

Note: Any ideas accepted become part of the game Permanently (Excluding Freelance Worlds. See Worlds section for details). If a player submits an idea and I accept it. it will remain part of the game until I don't want to use it anymore. Players that dont want their submissions to be used forever shouldn't submit them.

�2001 Joe Pombo

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