Message Boards

The message boards are provided to allow players to interact with the game as a whole rather than just the select few peeps they might encounter at any given time in the chat rooms.

Use them and enjoy them but don't abuse them. A few things are not allowed on any of the message boards.

#1 Insults, name calling, or other childish behavior: This applies to both in character and out of character posts. If you think someone is a bitch or asshole or whatever thats fine and dandy, don't use the message boards to share your bad blood with other people. If you have a conflict with someone either work it out yourselves or talk to the HeadGM about it. Public bickering and drama are lame.

#2 Posts completely unrelated to the game: The message boards are for game stuff. Nothing else. Simple enough?

#3 Advertisements for other games: This is simply rude. Ask the HeadGM to place a banner on the main site or find other ways to advertise.

More guidelines may be added as needed. Any posts breaking any of the rules listed above will be deleted. The poster may find himself banned from the message boards or even the entire game if the post warrants such action.

Out of Character Board

This board is for OOC posts only. Use it to ask the game staff questions, inform everyone your going to be away for awhile, etc.. As long as it doesn't break any of the rules above, a post is probably ok for this board.

OOC Board

In Character Board

This board is for IC posts only. Use it to speak as your character not as you the player. Posts on this board must follow the rules listed at the top of the page. They must also follow all the rules in the rules and guidelines section of the pages.

IC Board

Storyline Board

This board is for both players and GM's to use to promote and assist with storylines. It should be used to keep everyone informed of current events and things which characters can get involved with.

GM's (Including players that run player quests) should post both upcoming and completed quests on this board. Let peeps know what you are running so they can get involved. Also let peeps know what you have done so they have the chance to build on it or create side stories.

I would really really really like GM's to start running storylines rather than just one shot hack and slash stuff. Even if you just run something small like a 2 or 3 part adventure about tracking someone down to kill them that would be better than just thowing the person in front of the party and starting the dice rolling.

Players should use this board if they are involved in freeform storylines. This is not the place for info about your love lives, conflicts with other characters, or stories about how many beer nuts someone stuffed in their mouth in the tavern. If you RP going to outer worlds feel free to use this board to tell about what you encountered, what happened etc.

Posts on this board can be both IC and OOC so make sure to have some indication somewhere whether your post is IC or OOC. (IC Post) or (OOC Post) at the top might be simplest.

Put an accurate nick and e-mail addy on every post. Peeps might want to get involved in the storylines. Might be nice if they could get in touch with the person leading about it.

This board is kinda experimental. Hopefully it will help promote RP cause quite frankly monitoring a room where everyone is sitting around quietly is just as boring as being the person sitting there quietly. You have a universe at your disposal, lets see what you can do with it.

�2001 Joe Pombo

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