
A Werewolf is a bi-pedal humanoid born as the offspring of a wolf and another race. Ancient magic allows wolves to change their form to that of a human or an elf for a day or two, but they are typically loathe to do this for their children will be a hybrid, monstrosity, known as a Werewolf.

Contrary to most stories, legends, and myths about Werewolves, they are permanently stuck in the hybrid form and do not possess any ability to shape-change. They are considered large creatures by most standards.

The average height for a Werewolf is anywhere from five and a half feet to six and a half feet tall. The average male weighs from 200 to 300 pounds. The average female weighs from 180 to 240 pounds.

A Werewolf's vision is very keen, but does not reach into the infrared spectrum. Most Werewolves have gold or brown colored eyes.

Being hybrids of wolves and a bi-pedal creature, a Werewolf does not have much in the way of skin coloring. Typically their bodies are covered in fur with coloring the same as a wolf. Fur color normally ranges anywhere from brown to black to white.

Werewolves age very slowly, and will eventually die of natural causes at around age 200.

Werewolves prefer to live in cold or temperate climates, but are very adaptable and can survive in most areas. They are omnivorous, surviving off of plants and animals.

Key Features: Werewolves are distinguished by their wolflike appearance. They are covered head to toe in fur, and have a face resembling a wolf, along with a tail. They also have claws and fangs. They are very easily provoked and can fly into an irrational frenzy at times, particularly at a full moon.

Note: All races will vary from world to world. Almost everything listed above is stereo typical information. Only information listed as "Key Features" will be a constant as these things are what universally cause a creature to be labelled a certian race. An Elf may not have ever heard the term "Elf". His people may have another name which they call themselves. But if he looks like what other worlds consider an "Elf" that is what he will be considered by the city of Nessus and the game. Some races may share "Key Features" in those cases the stereo-typical information wil be used to give a creature a label. Creatures which dont seem to fit into any catagory will be considered Mystical Creatures.

�2001 Joe Pombo

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