
Viashino are bi-pedal humanoids. Their size is considered just above average on racial standards. A mature Viashino often stands between 6-8 feet, while the female stands from 5-7 feet in height.

They have a muscular build. Often the male gender weights from 200lbs-300lbs. The females average weighting 150lbs-250lbs.

The color of their eyes varies widely though the most common is Red or a Deep Blue. Their vision is very sharp and keen and can reach into the IR spectrum.

Scale color tone varies often from which world they are from, often the color turns into a near color of the surroundings which they live in for a long period of time. The most common being a dark green or light Grey. Their hair being course and thick. It comes in all lengths though it grows into a mane. Facial hair is rarely if never seen.

They do not die from diseases, as they cannot contract them. Their life span ranging from 1000-2000yrs. Weapons having a normal effect on them as it would any other race.

Viashino generally prefer climates with a lot of cover. They are omnivorous though feed mostly off of the meat of others.

Rarely do Viashino grow wings, though some have been seen with a pair. If the Viashino do have wings they are of the same color of body, though scaled much like a Dragons.

Key Features: Their dragonic-scaled skin distinguishes Viashino. The male can have Pure white to jet black horns that range from a simple nub to ram like horns. They have human like fingers though instead of nails, they usually end in short talons. They have teeth both flat and sharp, the canines being the slightly longer then others and sharp as razors.

Note: All races will vary from world to world. Almost everything listed above is stereo typical information. Only information listed as "Key Features" will be a constant as these things are what universally cause a creature to be labelled a certian race. An Elf may not have ever heard the term "Elf". His people may have another name which they call themselves. But if he looks like what other worlds consider an "Elf" that is what he will be considered by the city of Nessus and the game. Some races may share "Key Features" in those cases the stereo-typical information wil be used to give a creature a label. Creatures which dont seem to fit into any catagory will be considered Mystical Creatures.

�2001 Joe Pombo 1

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