Gargoyles are bi-pedal humanoids. Their size is average by most racial standards. A mature Gargoyle generally stands between 5 and a half to 6 and a half feet tall.

They normally have an extremely muscular build. The average male Gargoyle weighs between 250 to 300 pounds. Females average between 170 to 190 pounds.

Their eye coloring varies but by far black is the most common. Their vision is very keen average and does not reach into the IR spectrum.

A Gargoyles skin typically comes in earth tones. Shades of brown or grey are most common. Their hair is usually coarse and long forming a mane of sorts. Facial hair is extremely rare.

A Gargoyle does not die of natural causes. While they are immortal they are not indestructable. A weapon has the same effect on a Gargoyle as it does on any other race.

Gargoyles generally prefer to live in high altitudes. They are very adaptable creatures, climat is rarely a factor to them. They are carniverous surviving off other animals.

Key Features: Gargoyles are distinguished by their large bat-like wings. They have fang-like incisors. A Gargoyles eyes glow either bright red or yellow when they are emotionally effected.

Note: All races will vary from world to world. Almost everything listed above is stereo typical information. Only information listed as "Key Features" will be a constant as these things are what universally cause a creature to be labelled a certian race. An Elf may not have ever heard the term "Elf". His people may have another name which they call themselves. But if he looks like what other worlds consider an "Elf" that is what he will be considered by the city of Nessus and the game. Some races may share "Key Features" in those cases the stereo-typical information wil be used to give a creature a label. Creatures which dont seem to fit into any catagory will be considered Mystical Creatures.


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�2001 Joe Pombo

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