The History of Nessus

The true history of the city of Nessus, for the most part, is unknown. Many tales exist containing this magical fortress. However, most are riddled with half truths and exaggerated details.

The most widely accepted story of how Nessus came into being and as it exists now, comes from it's ruler, Malek of Soren. Though he is rarely seen, in public or private, he does make appearances from time to time to swap stories with travellers and his soldiers. While he has been known to stretch the truth on occassion, most people take his account of the creation of Nessus and it's take over at face value.

Part 1: The Message
Part 2: The Journey
Part 3: Virgil
Part 4: The Technomancer
Part 5: Negotiation
Part 6: Battle

�2001 Joe Pombo 1

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