Armor Accesories

Name: Leather Boots
Price: $25
Armor Rating: +5
Description: Leather foot coverings custom made to any size. These boots are very durable.

Name: Boots of Silence
Price: $200
Armor Rating: +5
Description: Leather foot coverings custom made to any size. These boots are very durable. They are infused with magic causing them to produce completely silent footsteps. A bonus when practicing discretion over valor.

Name: Boots of Quickness
Price: $200
Armor Rating: +5
Description: Leather foot coverings custom made to any size. These boots are very durable. They are infused with magic allowing the wearer to run 30 MPH for periods up to 10 minutes 3 times per day. Handy when a quick escape is required.

Name: Helm
Price: $50
Armor Rating: +10
Description: A standard item for head protection. These items are custom crafted for both fit and design.

Name: Magical Helm
Price: $100
Armor Rating: +20
Description: The standard helm infused with magic for increased protection. These items are custom crafted for both fit and design.

Name: Shield
Price: $50
Armor Rating: +10
Description: A protective device straped to the bearers forearm. They are very useful for blocking enemy strikes or for use as cover. They are custom crafted for the buyers hieght and design preferences.

Name: Magical Shield
Price: $100
Armor Rating: +20
Description: A standard shield infused with magic for added protection and durability. They are very useful for blocking enemy strikes or for use as cover. They are custom crafted for the buyers hieght and design preferences.

Name: Cod Piece
Price: $50
Armor Rating: +10
Description: A small protective device to help guard the more sensative areas of ones body. Both males and females benifit from this piece of equipment.

Name: Tech Suit
Price: $250
Armor Rating: +50
Description: A skin tight body suit infused with Technomantic magic. This can be worn under any suit of full armor for added protection.

Name: Leather Trench
Price: $25
Armor Rating: +5
Description: The universe would be rather dulll if it lacked style. The leather trench provides minimal protection, but sure does look cool. This item can be worn over all armors.

Name: Helm of Night Vision
Price: $150
Armor Rating: +10
Description: This helm comes in a variety of styles and designs. This item gives the user the ability to see just as well at night as he does during the day while offering a bit of protection from those ever pesky head strikes and flying bullets.

Name: Boots of Hover
Price: $250
Armor Rating: +10
Description: These boots look like leather boots with little 4 inch black wings on them, 2 on each side of the boot. These boots allow the user to run or walk above the ground 1 ft for a period of up to 20 minutes.
Note: These boots do not allow the wearer to walk across pits and other obstacles more than 1 ft deep. An attempt to do so will break the enchantment and cause the wearer to fall. Liquid is considered "ground" for the 1 ft measurement. i.e. These boots would allow the wearer to walk across a body of water more than 1 ft deep.

Name: Helm of Flight
Price: $450
Armor Rating: +10
Description: This is a old looking helm with 2 foot long white wings on each side. Upon activation the wings glow allowing the wearer to fly 40 mph for a period of 1 hour per day.

Name: Combat Gloves
Price: $50
Armor Rating: +10
Description: Black and green stripped leather combat gloves. Nothing special, just a little extra protection.

Name: Cloak of Invisibility
Price: $300
Armor Rating: +20
Description: This cloak has magic woven into it. It can be custom ordered for color, if their is no color ordered it will be gray. It fits the the wearer perfectly automatically adjusting to size once bought. This cloak is weightless and allows the wearer to cast Invisibility once per quest or duel. (See Invisibility spell for specifics)
Note: The wearer does not roll for the Invisibility spell. It works automatically and costs 0 MP's. It does take an action.

Name: SunGlasses of Seeing
Price: $300
Armor Rating: +0
Description: These sunglasses look to be regular sunglasses upon first glance. They can be ordered to look like any kind of sunglasses the buyer disires. These sunglasses will keep out natural light, but also have hidden magic in them. When commanded to do so, these glasses will allow the wearer to see up to 50 ft in even magical darkness.

Name: Bracer of Warning
Price: $300
Armor Rating: +10
Description: A segmented piece of Metal that fits on the shield arm, covering from wrist to shoulder. Made out of a blue metallic steel, it weighs very little. Once per quest the wearer may invoke this items power. The bracer will glow if there is danger within 50 ft. This power lasts for only 1 round and will not reveal the location or nature of the danger, just that 'danger is present'.

Name: Spiked Gauntlets
Price: $50
Armor Rating: +10
Description: A pair of metal gloves, covering half the forearm, the hands and fingers. On the knuckles are spikes for a little extra sting when cracking someone in the jaw.

Name: Steel Toed Boots
Price: $50
Armor Rating: +10
Description: A pair of Boots with steel plates in the toes, good for protecting the little piggies while kicking in someones teeth.

Name: Thieves Cloak
Price: $450
Armor Rating: +20
Description: A cloak made of tough, synthetic silk, made to be silent. It's very light and infused with magic which grants the wearer a better understanding of thief spells. +1 All thief spells

�2001 Joe Pombo

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