Merchants of Nessus

Tristan Demere (Wizard Spell Shop)

You are rushed to the side as a few dozen students seem to be letting out of a small building. They all seem to be dressed in black robes.

An old man comes to you, the gaze in his eye freezing you right where you stand. His grey beard billows under his chin and he hands you a book, penetrating your eyes with his.

He speaks to you in a hushed tone..."It is written that Knowledge is a well that has no bottom, and that Lore is a stormy sea without a farther shore. Magi begin their lives by devoting themselves to the study of anything and everything, and soon come to the conclusion that there is far more to know than they can ever hope to learn, even without True Death to bring their study to an end."

He places a small leather bound book in your hand and holds his hand over it as he stares at you still, all seriousness as he has no time to waste. "This will be your bible, study, learn and live it. If you choose to accept it, then step into this house with an open mind. And if not, turn from me, and I shall clear all memory of this conversation from your mind. You...choose your own destiny"

You look into his eyes, pondering what to do but truly, what does your heart say? What does your mind hold back? The choice is yours...

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