
Name: Vampire
Species: Lesser Vampire
Type: Undead
Frequency: Uncommon
Climate: Temperate
Terrain: Any Normal
Activity Cycle: Night
Diet: Blood
Intelligence: Standard
Temperment: Suspicious
Age Modifiers: Age Boost

Level: 6
Hit Points: 300
Bonus To Hit: +5
Max Damage: 35
Magic Access: High

Immunities: Black Magic Resistance, Magic Resistance

Fire Vulnerability: Lesser Vampires have not developed the keen immunities that their masters (Greater Vampires) have. They suffer double damage from fire based attacks.

Special Attacks:

Blood Drain: Starting on the second round and every three rounds afterward, the Lesser Vampire can suck 50 HP out of one character as an attack.

Special Abilities: None

Appearance: Lesser Vampires are not exactly what comes to mind when one thinks of 'Vampire.' Instead they are the sniveling servants and warriors of their masters, the Greater Vampires. Lesser Vampires are usually hunched over, sniffing around for any sign of intruders, wearing ratty clothing. They have blood-shot eyes. Their hair is sodden and appears to be plastered to their head, and for some reason they always smell of swamps. They still have a decent amount of magic in their repertoire, and though they are sniveling servants, they are by no means stupid.


�2001 Joe Pombo

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