Complete Denizens Intro

(Print out for easy reference)

Denizens compose all the species of the universe whether plant, animal, monster, sentient race, or "other". They are the creatures or types of beings a character will encounter during their travels.

Obviously this section will never be complete. There are billions of types of creatures on the planet Earth alone. None the less a list of any size should be helpful to the GM's. What you find here is not meant to be a list of every mundane plan and animal around. This is a list of things which are one or all of the following: Dangerous, helpful, interesting, or special. There will be no listing for common ferns. Poisonous or magical ferns might warrant consideration.

Creating a list of denizens (especially sentient ones) that populate a universe has some of the same problems as creating the various races of the universe. These denizens might vary a great deal from world to world or region to region. With this in mind everything here will be generic info for the type of denizen.

GM's may alter anything they see fit for their world or adventure. I request keeping the alterations small. Players and characters should have some idea what to expect from the denizens they meet. Fighting a goblin with 50 hp's one day then one with 1000 the next or a dragon with 1000 hp's one day then 50 the next doesn't make or a very consistent universe. If characters are told of the "Super Goblin in the Mountians" or the "Feeble Dragon in the Forest" this might be ok as they were told what to expect but these would be special situations. Generally denizens should be pretty close to their generic listing. If you need to make massive adjustments to a denizen it would probably be better to just pick something else to use or make up something new but this is just a request not a rule.

So what is listed on a denizens page and what does all that stuff mean?

Name: The name of the denizen.

Example: Troll

Species: The species of the denizen. This will probably be the same as the Name in the standard version of the denizen. In the case of Variants this will probably be different.

Example: Ice Troll

Type: Denizens are divided into catagories depending on their nature. These catagories are not absolutes. They are used to explain a denizens basic make up.

Plants: Most denizens of this type will be composed mostly of vegetation. Ferns and trees would fall into this catagory.

Animal: Most denizens of this type will be mundane creatures of low intelligence. Bears and horses would fall into this catagory.

Standard: Most denizens of this type will be mundane creatures which are smarter than animals. Humans would fall into this catagory.

Magical: Most denizens of this type will be innately magical creatures. Dragons and unicorns would fall into this catagory.

Constructs: Most denizens of this type will be creatures created with magic or science by another type of denizen. Golems and Cyborgs would fall into this catagory.

Undead: Most denizens of this type will be creatures which exist yet are not living breathing entities. Zombies and ghosts would fall into this catagory.

Other: Denizens of this type will be creatures that don't fit into one of the other catagories.

Climate: The temperature that the denizen typically lives in.

Arctic: An area where temperatures rarely rise above freezing.

Temperate: An area where temperatures may vary but are rarely extreme.

Tropical: An area where temperatures are normally warm.

Arid: An area where temeratures are normally hot with very litle rainfall.

Any Normal: The denizen can be found in any climate. Variants might be created for specific climate types.

Other: An area with extreme temperatures such as a suns corona or outer space.

Terrain: The landscape the denizen typically lives in.

Plain: An area which is flat and open.

Forest: An area covered in trees

Hill: An area with hills up to 600 ft.

Mountian: An area with mountians above 600 ft.

Swamp: An area covered in stagnant water but not enough to be considered the water catagory.

Any Normal: Any of the terrains listed above.

Water: Streams, Rivers, Lakes, Oceans.

Other: An Area that doesn't fit into any of the other catagories. The void space, a comets surface etc.

Frequency: How common or rare a denizen is.

Common: Most people have seen or have the chance to see this denizen first hand.

Uncommon: Most people have heard of this denizen but not many have seen it first hand.

Rare: Most people have never heard of this denizen. Only those which are well read or well travelled may know it exists.

Very Rare: Almost noone has ever heard of this denizen. There might not be any research material available about it.

Unique creatures and specific beings will not be listed in the denizens section. These beings will be listed in the worlds section under the world they occupy.

Activity Cycle: When the denizen is likely to be encountered awake or away from its lair.

Day: The denizen is normally up and about during the day.

Night: The denizen is normally up and about at night.

Any: The denizen is equally active during daylight and night time.

Diet: What the denizen eats.

Herbivorous: The denizen eats only vegetation.

Carnivorous: The denizen eats only meat.

Omnivorous: The denizen eats both vegetation and meat.

None: The denizen doesn't eat anything and/or doesn't require sustenance to survive.

Other: The denizen survives off of some unusual source of sustenance. Gems, life force, sunlight etc..

Intelligence: How smart the denizen usually is.

None: The denizens actions are not decided by thought or instinct.

Animal: The denizens actions are decided by instinct alone.

Low: The denizens actions are decided by instinct and primitive thoughts.

Standard: The denizens actions are enfluenced by instinct but decided by thought.

High: The denizens actions are decided by thought and lots of it.

Other: The denizens actions are decided by more than meer intelligence. It may posses unimaginable understanding of the universe or predict the future with extreme accuracy.

Temperment: The denizens general disposition. This is just a suggestion and will vary widely from world to world and especially situation to situation. This catagory is used to state a denizens typical disposition when Unprovoked. Even the most peaceful creature might turn hostile if poked in the eye with a sharp stick.

Peaceful: The denizen almost never fights.

Indifferent: The denizen has no interest in those around it.

Friendly: The denizen will offer help to those in need.

Suspicious: The denizen mistrusts those around it but wont attack unless provoked.

Hostile: The denizen will attack on sight.

Age Modifiers: Stats are based on a muture adult specimen of the denizen. Some creatures are effected differenly by age.

None: Age has no effect on the denizens stats.

Standard: Strength of the denizen will vary with age.
Very young specimens will have stats 50% lower than normal.
Young specimens will have stats 25% lower than normal.
Very old specimens will also have stats 50% lower than normal.

Age Boost: Strength of the denizen increases with age.
Young specimens will have stats 25% lower than normal.
Old speciments will have stats 25% above normal.
Very old specimens will have stats 50% above normal.
Ancient specimens will have stats 100% above normal.

Level: See the NPC Levels

Hit Points: How much damage the denizen can take before its slain. This should match its level.

Bonus To Hit: Bonus to all di rolls. This should match its level.

Max Damage: How much damage the denizen inflicts per hit. This should match its level.

Magic Access: Tells whether or not the denizen uses spells. If so, whether it uses lots of them or a few.

None: The denizen doesn't use spells.

Low: The denizen has a few spells at its disposal.

High: The denizen has quite a few spells at it disposal.

Any: The denizen has access to any spell.

Immunities: Anything which doesn't effect the denizen whether good or ill.

Note: This list is not complete. Suggested additions are welcome.

Mundane Cold: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical cold. It is effected normally by magical cold.

Cold Resistance: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical cold. It takes half dmg from magical cold.

Magical Cold: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical cold. It takes 0 dmg from magical cold.

Note: Mundane cold = blizzards, freezing lakes etc.. Magical Cold = Ice0 - Ice5 and other cold related spells.

Mundane Fire: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical heat and fire. It is effected normally by magical fire.

Fire Resistance: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical heat and fire. It takes half dmg from magical fire.

Magical Fire: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical heat and fire. It takes 0 dmg from magical fire.

Note: Mundane heat and fire = torches, bonfires etc.. Magical Fire = Fire0 - Fire5 and other heat related spells.

Mundane Acid: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical acid. It is effected normally by magical acid.

Acid Resistance: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical acid. It takes half dmg from magical acid.

Magical Acid: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical acid. It takes 0 dmg from magical acid.

Note: Mundane acid = sulphuric acid, corrosive liquids etc.. Magical Acid = Acid0 - Acid5 and other acid related spells.

Mundane Electricity: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical electricity. It is effected normally by magical electricity.

Electricity Resistance: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical electricity. It takes half dmg from magical electricity.

Magical Electricity: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical electricity. It takes 0 dmg from magical electricity.

Note: Mundane Electricity = natural lightening strikes, generated electricity etc.. Magical Electricity = Bolt0 - Bolt5 and other electricity related spells.

Mundane Earth: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical earth attacks. It is effected normally by magical earth attacks.

Earth Resistance: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical earth attacks. It takes half dmg from magical earth attacks.

Magical Earth: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical earth attacks. It takes 0 dmg from magical earth attacks.

Note: Mundane Earth = sandstorms, rock slides etc.. Magical Earth = Earth0 - Earth5 and other earth related spells.

Mundane Wind: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical wind attacks. It is effected normally by magical wind attacks.

Wind Resistance: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical wind attacks. It takes half dmg from magical wind attacks.

Magical Wind: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical wind attacks. It takes 0 dmg from magical wind attacks.

Note: Mundane Wind = tornados, hurricanes, etc.. Magical Wind = Wind0 - Wind5 and other wind related spells.

Mundane Poison: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical poison. It is effected normally by magical poison.

Poison Resistance: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical poison. It takes half dmg from magical poison.

Magical Poison: The denizen takes 0 dmg from non-magical poison. It takes 0 dmg from magical poison.

Note: Mundane Poison = snake bites, brewed poisons etc.. Magical Poison = Poison0 - Poison5 and other poison related spells.

Black Magic Resistance: The denizen takes half dmg from black magic.

Black Magic: The denizen takes 0 dmg from black magic.

Note: Black Magic includes Dark0 - Dark5 however it might not include spells such as Animate Dead depending on the denizen.

White Magic Resistance: The denizen is cured for half as many hit points as normal from curative magic.

White Magic: The denizen can not be cured with curative magic.

Note: Ressurrection and Raise Dead may or may not effect denizens immune to white magic.

Magic Resistance: Spells are half strength vs. this denizen.

Magic: The denizen is not effected by magic.

Physical Weapons Resistance: The denizen takes half dmg from physical weapons.

Physical Weapons: The denizen can only be harmed with magic.

Special Attacks: Any unusual attack mode the denizen can use in combat.

Note: Special Attacks are considered an action rather than an attack. Denizens may only use special attacks twice per round rather than the four normally allowed for standard attacks.

Special Attack success is determined by 1 d20 with the denizens listed to hit bonus.

Special effect only one target unless other wise noted.

Paralyze Touch: The denizen may paralyze one enemy by touching him. Paralyzation lasts two rounds. Paralyzed individuals may not take any action.

Paralyze Gaze: The denizen may paralyze one enemy just by looking at him. Paralyzation lasts two rounds. Paralyzed individuals may not take any actions.

Petrification Gaze: The denizen may turn one enemy to stone. Petrification lasts until esuna or other comparable magic is used on the petrified individual. While petrified an indivdual is effectively dead.

Poison Sting1: The denizen may sting one person inflicting 10 dmg per round until the poison is neutralized.

Poison Sting2: The denizen may sting one person inflicting 20 dmg per round until the poison is neutralized.

Poison Sting3: The denizen may sting one person inflicting 50 dmg per round until the poison is neutralized.

Poison Sting4: The denizen may sting one person inflicting 100 dmg per round until the poison is neutralized.

Poison Sting5: The denizen may sting one person inflicting 150 dmg per round until the poison is neutralized.

Poison Sting6: The denizen may sting one person slaying him in 2 rounds unless the poison is neutralized.

Poison Bite1: The denizen may bite one person inflicting 10 dmg per round until the poison is neutralized.

Poison Bite2: The denizen may bite one person inflicting 20 dmg per round until the poison is neutralized.

Poison Bite3: The denizen may bite one person inflicting 50 dmg per round until the poison is neutralized.

Poison Bite4: The denizen may sting one person inflicting 100 dmg per round until the poison is neutralized.

Poison Bite5: The denizen may bite one person inflicting 150 dmg per round until the poison is neutralized.

Poison Bite6: The denizen may bite one person slaying him in 2 rounds unless the poison is neutralized.

Disease Touch1: The denizen may transfer a mild disease to its enemy by touching him. Mild diseases are easily cured with magic and cause no stat reductions.

Disease Touch2: The denizen may transfer a serious disease to its enemy by touching him. Serious diseases require Cure3 or higher to treat and give the victim -2 to all rolls for one week after cured.

Disease Touch3: The denizen may transfer a fatal disease to its enemy by touching him. Fatal diseases require Cure5 or higher to treat and give the victim -4 to all rolls for one week after cured. If the victim is not cured within two days he dies.

Disease Bite1: The denizen may transfer a mild disease to its enemy by biting him. Mild diseases are easily cured with magic and cause no stat reductions.

Disease Bite2: The denizen may transfer a serious disease to its enemy by bite him. Serious diseases require Cure3 or higher to treat and give the victim -2 to all rolls for one week after cured.

Disease Bite3: The denizen may transfer a fatal disease to its enemy by bite him. Fatal diseases require Cure5 or higher to treat and give the victim -4 to all rolls for one week after cured. If the victim is not cured within two days he dies.

Rotting Touch: The denizen's touch will cause one of its targets limbs to rot off in 2 rounds. Rotting touch inflicts 100 dmg per round. Regenerative spells will cure this damage. Cure spells have no effect. To determine which limb is effected the GM rolls a d4. 1 = right arm, 2 = left arm, 3 = right leg, 4 = left leg.

Sever Bite: The denizens bite will sever a limb on a natural roll of 18 or higher. A successful hit with sever bite inflicts 150 dmg whether a sever occurs or not. To determine which limb is severed the GM rolls a d4. 1 = right arm, 2 = left arm, 3 = right leg, 4 = left leg.

Swallow Whole: The denizen may swallow one target whole. Swallowed targets lose 1/4 of their max hit points per round. Swallowed targets may attack while inside the denized with automatic success.

Charm Gaze: The denizen may force one individual to follow his commands for 2 rounds simply by looking at him. Charmed individuals are freed from control if the denizen is slain.

Constrict1: The denizen may bind an individual and squeeze inflicting 20 dmg per round. Constricted indviduals can not escape without outside assistance. Constricted individuals may attack wih -4 to hit.

Constrict2: The denizen may bind an individual and squeeze inflicting 50 dmg per round. Constricted indviduals can not escape without outside assistance. Constricted individuals may attack wih -4 to hit.

Constrict3: The denizen may bind an individual and squeeze inflicting 100 dmg per round. Constricted indviduals can not escape without outside assistance. Constricted individuals may attack wih -4 to hit.

Constrict4: The denizen may bind an individual and squeeze inflicting 200 dmg per round. Constricted indviduals can not escape without outside assistance. Constricted individuals may attack wih -4 to hit.

Crushing Blow1: The denizen may put all of its strength into an attack inflicting 25 dmg.

Crushing Blow2: The denizen may put all of its strength into an attack inflicting 50 dmg.

Crushing Blow3: The denizen may put all of its strength into an attack inflicting 100 dmg.

Crushing Blow4: The denizen may put all of its strength into an attack inflicting 200 dmg.

Trample1: The denizen may use its large size and weight to run over and step on its enemies inflicting 100 dmg.

Trample2: The denizen may use its large size and weight to run over and step on its enemies inflicting 200 dmg.

Breath Weapon1: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 20 dmg.

Breath Weapon2: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 40 dmg.

Breath Weapon3: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 80 dmg.

Breath Weapon4: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 120 dmg.

Breath Weapon5: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 160 dmg.

Breath Weapon6: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 200 dmg.

Breath Weapon7: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 250 dmg.

Breath Weapon8: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 300 dmg.

Breath Weapon9: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 350 dmg.

Breath Weapon10: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 400 dmg.

Breath Weapon11: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 450 dmg.

Breath Weapon12: The denizen may spew forth some sort of hazardous substance inflicting 500 dmg.

Special Abilities: Any unusual power or ability which isn't an attack or immunity.

Appearance: What the denizen actually looks like.

After the denizens listing there may be a listing of "Variants". Here you will find information that is different from the information for the standard version of that particular denizen. Normally this will be changes to a few catagories.

Example: On the denizen page for Trolls there might be a variant at the bottom called Ice Trolls. It might say:

Species: Ice Troll

Climate/Terrain: Arctic

Appearance: Ice Trolls have white skin rather than green.

These changes are small and there are only a couple of differences between Ice Trolls and standard Trolls. There isn't much point creating a new page for Ice Trolls. GM's can simply make the minor changes if they want to use Ice Trolls. If Ice Trolls needed changes in most of the catagories then they might warrant a page to themselves.

�2001 Joe Pombo

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