Gundam Wing Endless Duel
In the Versus and Trial Modes, you can play as the Epyon Gundam. Highlight Tallgeese, and press L, L, L, L, R, R, R, R then keep pressing L then R after that until Tallgeese is selected. Now you are the pilot of the Epyon.
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See also Meeps Forum.
--To do a dash, press Left or Right twice. For DeathScythe however, pressing this button combo allows you to cloak.

--For every Gundam, pressing any of these two buttons (A, B, Y, and X) to boost.

--To do a Special Move press: Down, Toward, Down, Toward+A.

Epyon's Ram Sheild Attack: Down, Toward your opponent, then press B.

Wing Zero's Twin Buster Rifle: Down, Toward+Y.
Gundams Fighting
The Epyon Gundam
The Gundam Pilots!
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