1. Your wardrobe consists of a red baseball cap, a yellow and blue striped shirt, and blue shorts.

2. You start whacking stray dogs, crows, snakes, etc. with a baseball bat.

3. You order a pizza and take a walk around town waiting for the delivery guy to come find you.

4. You start calling your doctor Dr.Andonuts.

5. You start digging in your neighbors' trashcans hoping to find a broken machine or a hamburger.

6. You say, "Fuzzy Pickles!" whenever you get your picture taken.

7. Your hobby is turning broken harmonicas, pipes, trumpets, etc. into deadly weapons.

8. You don't trust the cafeteria lady at school when she gives you a piece of cake with your lunch.

9. You try to get the TV remote using Telekinesis.

10. You buy illegal fireworks (i.e. Bottle Rockets) and launch them at ducks.

11. You try to make Strawberry Tofu.

12. You want to get a job at APE Sofware Development Team.

13. You start comparing EarthBound to the Red and Rover comics.

14. You have a dream where you're exploring your own mind.

15. You think that every video game should have at least one Beatles reference.

16. Your best friend's dad tells you that his son wets his bed sometimes.

17. You get a famous person's autograph on a banana peel.

18. You hook up your NES, Super NES, GameBoy Advance, and GameCube to a generator and play EB/SSB games 24/7.

19. You make a flashy entrance when you're about to take somebody's picture.

20. You tie a red ribbon in your hair and start talking in a weird dialect.

21. You set up a stand that offers to give hints.

22. You compare Ness to the main character of Pokemon (Red cap, black hair, arch-rival lives next door, and so on).
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