Kingdom Hearts
Sora- Main Character. Sora is 14 years old, and has been having strange dreams lately. As a teenager, he has is own set of problems, but he manages to keep an upbeat attitude.

Riku- Age 15. Riku and Sora have always been competing in races and swordplay, but that doesn't mean they aren't good friends. Riku has always wondered if there were worlds other than the chain of islands he lives on.

Kairi- She moved from another place to the Destiny Islands. She is good friends with Sora and Riku. Kairi has a sense of humor and she inspired Riku to build a raft to seek other worlds.

Donald Duck- Mage Knight. At times impatient, but he is a loyal friend. He was sent to search for a mysterious "key" and King Mickey.

Goofy- The Defender. The captain of the knights, Goofy dislikes weapons, so he just sticks with the sheild. This clumsy fellow was sent with Donald to search for the King and the "key".

Moogles- Cute little critters from the Final Fantasy series. You'll see a few of them in the game.

The Heartless- Mysterious beings. They are after Sora's heart.

There are other characters you will meet, but since there are 9 other Final Fantasy characters and over 100 other Disney characters you will meet, I'm gonna end the list here 'cause it would be a pain in the butt to list 'em all.
Destiny Islands- Get supplies for geting off the island (you can also challenge  people to duels!).
Traverse Town- Follow Donald and Goofy and Fight Leon.
Wonder Land- Prove Alice innocent by finding evidence.
Olympus Colloseum- Go through the training course, then fight with all your might!   
Deep Jungle -Fight the monkeys (monkeys are so cool) a lot than destroy the weird fruit. Fight Stealth-Sneak. 
Agrobah-Find Princess Jasmine, then do stuff, then go to the Cave of Wonders fight Jafar.
Monstro- Find Pinnocchio. Fight!!
Atlantica-This place is so horrible!!!! I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate this place!!!! Your're on your own pal!
Halloween Town-find out wher jake is then do as he asks
Neverland-make your way to the top of the ship and fite
Hollow Bastion-yous the awsome power of wood to find and stop rikkue
End of World-oh that would spial the ending for you!

The Hundred Acre Wood- Complete all of the mini-games with Pooh and Tigger too!
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