angriness is BAD

don't be angry, angriness is bad.
Anger causes stomach pains, and makes other people sad.
If you're feeling angry, you should count to ten.
This won't help at all, but it is nice to pretend.
If someon'es getting angry with you, you should tell them to STOP.
They'll probably just get more mad, but that's not MY problem.
What? you think that didn't rhyme? well what do you know?
You think you could do better? why don't you write a poem!?
It's hard to rhyme on every line, and my audience ain't exactly prime, and you insult me every time, every time I speak my mind so
why don't you just stop! why don't you just drop     dead
I admit. my poem's a flop.
but that still gives you no right to be such a horrid blight
so just goodbye
oh, and uh, don't be angry
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