Ninten and Loid's
Home Page
HP, Mortal Damage!!!!!
Hullo, this is my EarthBound Zero Page.
I also have an
EarthBound Site.
I hope my EB Zero home page interests you at the least bit! I finally have played it for a summer, but didn't beat it. I haven't touched this site forever. Too busy on my EB site. I think I'll do some work here now......!
Message Board currently down for some reason....
If you have any questions post a message on the message board, or e-mail Me or Loid, and we'll reply back!
And another thing, guess what. On my EarthBound game for Snes, my cousin got the Sword of Kings!                         *I'm retarded. I've gotten it, so has all of you. At first, I didn't think many people had it.*
This is my second page!
I am the ultimate ruler of evil! Gwargh! Click on me and i'll send you threw an interdimensional portal to Ness's third page!Mwahahahaha!--- Please, dont' ask.
Hello, this is ultra barbot, visit my flukes page. Ness's fourth page!
NO Games.................................................
sorry, but i finally figured out that Starmen.net wasn't posting my site because of this. Like anyone came here anyways)*
My page with a Walkthrough and cheats.
Teleport with Starman to my links page. Get Ready!
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