My Town
Nessa Monroe
    Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters, I am only borrowing them.  I have no affiliation to Passions or NBC.


It's February in New England, and today, the skies are gloomy.  It's raining outside.  Not snowing.  Forty perfect degrees, and raining.
    This is my town.
    There are, of course, the usual cliques.  The preps, the jocks, the nerds, the goths -- you name it, we've got it; like every other town and city.
    But here, in my town, everybody gets along.
    Well, almost everyone.  We do have our outcasts, like everyone else.  Tabitha Lennox, the cooky old lady next door to me, is one.  We all pretend to like her, but behind her back, we talk.  I say "we" because I gossip, too.  When you live in a town this size, it's pretty much inevitable.
    Now, I'm not trying to excuse my behaviour.  I didn't use to be this way, the same as everyone else; a clone of everyone else.  I do have my moments of guilt.
    I've been living here since I was sixteen, and I'm nineteen now.  I moved from Dallas, Texas, when my parents decided they needed a change of scenery.  There went my friends, my life, the city I adored.
    Enter Harmony, Maine.  Your storybook town of privately owned coffee shops and bed and breakfasts; there's not even a Wal-Mart nearby.  Long winding roads, majestic scenery, postcard winters.
    A deceiving name, if I ever heard one.
    I must admit, it has a sort of seductive appeal to it.  On the outside, Harmony looks like the perfect place to be.  A classy little town where you can raise your kids, grow old and retire.  Beneath all the gloss and perfection, Harmony is full of secrets and lies.  I learned that the hard way, but I learned it well.
    My name is Kay Bennett.
    And this is my town.

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