Here are some quotes that either people have sent in or that Vanessa or Nicole have said:
Love starts with a smile, develops a kiss, and ends with a tear.
-Nicole's friend Ashley 
If I were part of your body I'd be a tear. To be concieved in your heart, be born in your eye, live down your cheek, and die on your lips.
No one's a screws us all.
- Anonomyous (sorry if we misspell)
stop honkin ure hornz stop callin mah name I aint fallen 4 ya game ~Vanessa
*I luv him,o yes I do, hes for me not for u, and if by chance u take my place, I'll take my fist and smash your face!!! ~Stefannie (vanessa's sister)
Sex weed birth control. love sex rock n roll. first we live then we died. so f*ck the world. lets get high~Vanessa
Sex weed birth control. love sex rock n roll. first we live then we died. so f*ck the world. lets get high~Vanessa
God made men first, because every great master piece needs a sloppy copy ~Vanessa
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