This page is a mixture of riddles, minute mysteries, brain teasers, jokes and other funny things. The answers are at the bottom.


Minute Mysteries:

Situation One:

A man is found died hanging from the ceiling in an empty room. All the doors are locked from the inside. There is a pool of water on the floor. What happened?


Situation Two:

A man is pushing a car down the road. He stops at a hotel and pays $250 to the owner. Then he countinues pushes the car. What is happening?


Brain Teasers:

Question 1:

What is worth more, 1938 pennies or 2003 pennies?


Question 2:

A man is outside in the pouring rain. He doesn't have an umbrella, and he isn't standing under anything. Yet his hair doesn't get wet. Why?



Situation One answer: The man was standing on a block of ice with a noose around his neck. When the ice melted he hang himself.
Situation Two answer: He was playing Monopoly!
Question 1 answer: 2003 pennies!
Question 2 answer: He is bald!

More Coming Soon!


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