Chapter 34: Caught In The Act

As Andrea kissed Joey passionately, she was wondering why she was doing this. She was giving in to this temptation put onto a silver platter in front of her. She wanted to stay friends with Joey, but now it seemed impossible. She was now too dissolved in him to ever let go.

"Andy! I need to go to the bathroom before we go, come on!" she heard Justin banging on the door with his fist hard, yelling through the door.

She looked at Joey, still in his boxers and blushing, as Andrea tried to squeeze out of the bathroom. She had felt embarrassed as Joey asked quietly, "What am I going to do?"

"I don't know," she quietly replied as she opened the door, squeezing Joey practically behind the door and she smiled at Justin, adjusting her dress straps and said, "Hi Justin! Sorry about that!"

"It's okay, I really have to go," Justin rushed into the bathroom and didn't notice Joey in there, almost naked. While he was just standing there relieving himself, he turned around and it looked like his face had turned white, "Joey! Get the fuck outta here!"

You could hear the yell all through the bus as Andrea fell onto the back couches, accidentally letting her head fall into JC's lap, laughing hysterically.

"You had kinky sex! Kinky ass sex!" Chris was taunting Andrea from the kitchen as Andrea realized she had fell on JC's lap and shot right back up. Andrea was still laughing as she looked at JC, looking like he could have strangled her right there.

"If we would have had sex, we would have been a LOT louder," she yelled back to Chris as she saw Joey squeeze out of the bathroom in his boxers, quickly putting his shirt on over his head.

"Yeah right," Chris nudged Joey in the shoulder as he was walking out in the kitchen to finished getting dressed, "I heard you guys!" he started imitating Andrea, "Oh Joey! You fuck so well! Let's make some babies!"

"Shut up, man," Joey tackled Chris onto the table, starting to playfully punch him.

"Oy," Andrea sighed, starting to blush as Lance looked over at her, giving him a playful look, "What are you looking at, Albino boy?"

"What really happened in there?" he simply asked.

"We just made out, then I guess Justin walked in on Joey," Andrea started to giggle, hiding her face in embarrassment.

"So you didn't have sex?" Lance asked.

"Nope, I don't want to have sex until I'm married."

But she didn't know how soon she'd be eating her words.

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