Chapter 2: Getting Revenge Part 1

"Huh?" Mrs. Polinski was startled by a kick at her door. She looked out the window, but Andrea's fist met the glass, smashed it, and hit Mrs. Polinski's face, sending her onto the floor.

Andrea unlocked the door from outside and walked in the room, "Well, if it isn't Mrs. Polinski, my dear, loving, caring foster mother. If it weren't for you, I'd still be in fucking high school on fucking excellent honor roll!"

Mrs. Polinski looked up, "You! I told you to stay out of this house! I don't need someone else abusing me."

Andrea calmed down, "What are you talking about?"

"My husband abuses me, don't you get it?" she screamed at Andrea, tears streaming down her face.

"That gave you no reason to treat me like shit! What the hell did I do to deserve this?" she screamed back, "I do the work I'm asked, I help run errands, do you want me to be Wonder Woman?"

She heard Ray and Yvonne running up to the house.

"What's going on?" Yvonne asked.

"I came to settle something," Andrea kept them back, "and I'm not leaving 'till it's settled."

"Let us help you," Ray offered.

"Ray, no, stop!" she saw him pull out a gun.

"Don't move, it'll hurt less," Ray aimed it at Mrs. Polinski's head.

Mrs. Polinski just sat there, shaking, as Ray pulled the trigger.

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