Chapter 14: What Did You Say?

Andrea still felt the burning on her wrists when she woke up the next morning. It actually felt like she had slit them. She got up, trying to forget the pain, and went out in the kitchen to get some breakfast. She saw Justin was awake.

"Hello, whore," he said coldly to Andrea.

Andrea smiled sweetly at him, "Hello, bastard," she replied to him, grabbing a bowl of cereal out of the cupboard.

"So you two are actually speaking now?" Joey questioned, coming out of his bunk and walking up to Andrea.

Andrea was still kind of mad at him about yesterday, so she turned to him and replied harshly, "No, we're not speaking."

"It sounded like talking to me," Joey grabbed the box from Andrea after she was done pouring herself a bowl.

"Joey, grr," she said to him, not wanting to deal with his bullshit.

"Andy, I am sorry about yesterday," Joey mumbled out incoherently, "It made me want to�"

"To hold me?" Andrea said angrily, "Save it Joey, I've heard it before. You act like you're in love with me."

"I am," he stated.

Andrea stared at him with her blue eyes strangely, " me? How? I'm a disgusting whore!"

"I don't know how, okay?" Joey yelled at her and ran a hand through his bleach blonde hair, "I don't know how I could fall in love with someone so fast, but I did."

"Joey?" she asked, stepping towards him, "We're friends. What happened in the club was a mistake."

"This has nothing to do with the fucking club!" he yelled so loud it even woke JC up.

Justin looked at Andrea and Joey and smiled without them seeing it.

"Joey, I can't even speak to you! You're getting sensitive on me!" Andrea yelled at him, covering her ears with her hands.

"Will you at least think about it?" Joey questioned the unreachable Andrea.

Andrea uncovered her ears, looking at Joey's intent brown eyes and replied, "I'll think about it."

"Thank you," Joey sighed as she went back to her bunk.

She reached from her bag and grabbed a gun, one of Mr. Polinski's antique hand guns he liked to collect, "I've just got to take care of some unfinished business. The real way."

chapter 15 / back 1

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