Chapter 11: Suicide?

Andrea sat in her bunk, crying her eyes out. She couldn't believe that Ray had raped her. And they had been such good friends. It was such a shock to her and she still had a migraine from the gun practically digging into her skull. She didn't know who to turn to, she had no one that wanted to help her anymore. Not even Joey. He either didn't want to help at all, or she just wouldn't let him help. Whatever the reason, she wanted to let him get along with his life and the other guys with their lives without her in it.

Andrea got out of the bunk and headed towards the kitchen area, watching over the guys playing cards silently. She looked in the drawers for something extremely sharp, like a knife or anything to slit her wrists with. Dying would be so much better than living for her was her thoughts as she finally found a big butcher's knife in the bottom drawer. She quietly reached into the drawer and grabbed the knife, hiding it from the guys' view as she went back to her bunk and threw it in the bunk.

That night, when everyone was asleep, she looked around the bus, making sure everyone was asleep. She got up silently out of the bunk and walked to the small bathroom, carrying the knife with her. She closed the door behind her, leaving a crack open.

"God, what am I doing?" she asked herself as she held the knife in front of her and looked at it like it had writing on it in Chinese, telling her what to do. She didn't really want to result to suicide, but after that day, she didn't see any other choice. Justin hated her guts just because she was forced to do something she wouldn't even think of doing if she weren't broke and homeless, JC thought she was just a whore, straight up, Chris and Lance thought she was okay, but never spoke a word to her, and Joey. Oh Joey! She was so wrong about him. She was convinced he cared about her, but now she knew she was wrong in judging him that way. This was the best decision.

She heard a light creak at the door as she was lowering the large knife to her left wrist and her head shot around to meet the frightened eyes of Justin staring at her.

chapter 12 / back 1

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