Chapter 14

Mandie hung up her phone and looked over at Lance sitting at the table waiting for her.

"What was that all about?" Lance asked, concerned.

"Don't worry about it," Mandie sat down, annoyed, "Stupid shit with Justin and Cass."

"Well, it sure didn't sound stupid, what's this all about?"

"Long story, seriously, I'll tell you later," she replied and smiled at Lance, "Now, back to us."

"I'm cool with that...I ordered some wine I hope you don't mind."

"No I'm ok with that," She said as the waiter came over with the wine.

"Are you ready to order" he asked them

"I'll have a salad" she said with a smile.

"Same," Lance replied, smiling back as the waiter walked away.

"I can't believe I'm here with you," Mandie smiled into his sweet gaze.

"Me neither, it seems like a dream," Lance replied, leaning over to kiss her.

She sweetly accepted the kiss, running her hands lightly through his hair as they slowly pulled away, not wanting the kiss to end.

"Wow," she said staring into his eyes, "Every time I kiss you...I just get this feeling�"

Lance smiled and blushed a little, "Same with me."

"Do you think we were meant to meet each other?"

"Definitely," he leaned in brushing his lips against hers once again.

"Me too," she replied after the kiss was over. She wished the night would never end.


"Dirty mother slu-fucker," Cass tried to get out as she was starting to fall asleep, "Don't touch me!"

"I'm just trying to calm you down," Justin tried to reason with her, but he knew she was falling asleep.

"No need, I hate you," her eyelids were closing slowly as she fought to stay awake, "You won't put me under some stupid love spell, Justin! I won't give in." But her eyelids were already closed.

Justin let out a sigh and felt a tear fighting to come out... He didn't want to see Cass like this... When he saw Carson next he would hurt him. How could he do that to Cass...and then he got to thinking ... did he do that to Mandie? He was wondering as Cass mumbled, "Justin, why do you have to be so nice?" as she finally fell asleep. Justin leaned over her and left a tiny kiss on her forehead, bringing a smile upon her face while she was sleeping.

"That's all you get of me right now," he smiled down at her and he felt all tingly inside, like for some reason, it was fate that he met Cass and that him and Britney broke up. He sat down in the chair and watched TV. He tuned into MTV and saw on MTV news what happened with Cass and they showed reporters at the hospital, "Fuck," he said silently. He didn't want to get caught, so he went up to the nurse and asked, "Can you please accept no visitors for Cass? Except for possibly my parents or her parents?"

"Yes sir," the nurse smiled and walked away, taking care of the press herself.

"Oh, or Mandie or Lance?"

"Quite alright."

"Thanks," Justin walked back into the room and watched Cass sleep. He didn't know why, but he was in love. Love? How can you be in love with someone in one day? he asked himself. But he couldn't really answer. His genuine concern for the young woman won him over as he continued to stare at her.


Lance and Mandie held hands while walking on the beach, "You know I had a great time tonight Lance."

"So did I," Lance smiled at her "I'm glad I could share it with you."

"Too bad I'm a model," Mandie suddenly sulked.

"I never would have met you without McDonalds," he started laughing.

"Yeah! That's right!" she started laughing to herself and looked into his bright green eyes.

"Mandie, I've never met anyone like you before that's touched me so much in the last couple hours as you have."

"Aww, you're sweet," Mandie blushed.

"What I'm trying to ask is, will you be my girlfriend?"

Mandie looked down at her feet then looked up, "I would love to."

Lance didn't say anything he just picked her up and spun her around.

"Put me down, you big dork!" she exclaimed, becoming out of breath as he twirled her around even more.

"So I'm a dork huh?" he let her down and started tickling her.

She fell to the sand, laughing hysterically and out of breath. Lance landed on top of her and just smiled at her.

"You're so beautiful," he smoothed some hair out of her face and gently kissed her. She blushed and smiled as he went in for the kill and kissed her more passionately then he ever had. They didn't want to stop but they knew they had to get to Cass.

"I think we better go before something happens," Mandie said, slipping out from underneath him.

"You're right," Lance replied, getting up, brushing some sand off his shirt, "Let's go check on Justin and Cass."

He grabbed her hand and then walked to her Camero. They slowly got into the car looked at each other then Mandie sped to the hospital... when they arrived they saw so many news people... frustrated, Mandie pulled out her cell phone and called Justin.

"Justin, what is this?" Mandie asked, trying to push through the press.

"What is what? Where are you?" Justin asked.

"I'm outside the hospital, what the fuck is all the press doing here?" she asked again.

"Well, she did pass out on TRL, it's pretty well seen, people did notice something," Justin replied, seeing her head coming in the building. He looked toward Lance then down and saw their hands laced together. He hung up his phone as did she and walked over to greet them.

"Hey, finally you two come back, what took you so long?" Justin gave them an evil stare.

"Very funny, Curly," Lance ran a quick teasing hand through his blonde curls and walked over to Cass's bedside. She was starting to toss and turn in discomfort. Justin just walked over silently and placed his hand on her arm. She immediately stopped squirming,

"Wow someone has the touch of Midas," Lance laughed.

"Fuck you," Justin joked with Lance.

All Lance could do was laugh and he turned and noticed Mandie's face turning white, "Mandie are you ok?" Mandie didn't respond. Her eyes closed and she started to fall. Lance quickly stopped her from falling on the floor and picked her up in his arms, "Justin."

"Shit, I was right," Justin smacked his head, "Carson must've done something to Mandie as well. It must have taken longer for it to affect her."

"Mandie, Mandie wake up!" Lance started to shake her lightly in his arms.

"Uh," Mandie replied lightly, "What's going on?"

"We're going to get you help," Justin ran to the nearest nurse and immediately she ran to Mandie. They put Mandie in the bed next to Cass and hooked her up to machines. Lance watched as they hooked up various tubes to her, "Lance what's going on?"

"Mandie hun, don't worry... you're gonna be ok," he watched as Mandie was worrying.

"I don't know Lance, I feel really weird," Mandie started to pass out.

"Mandie, stay with me, huney," he tried to slap her face lightly but she was starting to fall asleep lightly.

"I'm trying Lance," Mandie whispered faintly, "I'm really trying."

"I know babe, I know" Lance grabbed Mandie's hand and watched as she fell into a deep sleep.

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