NINTENDOS POLITICAL STATEMENT IN THEIR POPULA ICE HOCKEY GAME For Mrs. Hayes 5th grade Class Mach 5th 1993 IT is well known that "Ice Hockey" is a popular Nintendo game, having made it's premeir on the Nintendo. It included national teams that the playr could elect to play as. One of the choices was USSR, a combined state of european nations that, as we have been learning about for the past sevaral months was a threat to ouyr country and others. That nintendo included this nation is a political statement because it always us, the player, to play and defeat our nations enemy. It is like Nintendo is shootin for the home team and the USSR is their pigeon. Anyways I think Nintendo was trying to make a political statement that the USSR was bad and by playing against it you can take the cold war into your own hands. It is popular social therapy for childeren who feel that they are helpless in making a diffrence in this world because they are too young to fight or stuff. Wene they beat USSR it is like they are doing something for themselves and at the same time it is liek NINTENDO is making a pol;itical statement? Anyways, I condone NINTENDO for this admirable and contreoversial statement in a time of strife and war. They are taking things into their own hands and because of ths they are heroes. This, Mrs. Hayes and fellow classmates, is why I elected to not portray one of the other gerneral 'Great Thinkers' that you chose to glorivy in your essays. I choose Nintendo. Thank you. Chris Ramazzotti