Street Bashing
holy shit...
Street Bashing is a sport, plain and simple. The only reason one should street bash is to laugh. You'd be amazed at some of the things we have experienced while "bashing". The origins of "the bash" are highly unknown, some say Adam the great inspired others to throw verbal attacks out their car windows and some say it evolved from random "bashing" into the sport we know and love. Although I happen to be retired from street bashing I intend to give Summer Bash 2002 my full attention.
   This page will discuss the Rules of street bashing, some experiences we've had, good things to yell in a tight spot, picking your path to bash, Fast food Bashing (featuring: The lords of food), and "The tournament" and its rules.
Who are we? We are about 12 people with 8 core members and a handful of off and on bashers.

What do we hope to accomplish? To piss off as many Bar going, leather jacket drunk 20 year old, gel heads as possible.

Initial Rules:

-No bashing at a stop light or in a tight spot where there is a chance that the person or people you bash can get to the car.

-You may only bash in a car.

-You may not yell ethnic slurs in attempt to genuinely hurt someone.

-you may not throw things from the vehicle, although candy and liquids are ok.

-bashing minority's, old people, and Children are frowned upon. Although yelling non-sensical things at them such as "I like to scare Myself, wooooooo!" is ok.

-Physical violence is to be avoided at all costs.

Some of the Greatest Moments:

"The bar street pisser"
After we had a good run down a street packed with bar rats, we slowed near a kid with his back to us. We soon realized he was urinating 20 feet from a public restroom against a fence and let him know how dirty he was. He yelled stuff back at us and flipped us off, although he probably felt pretty shitty for weeks after this.

"Shirtless Mullet In the laundromat"

Two of us were out bashing that fateful night when a once in a lifetime sight passed before our eyes. A crappy tub mullet, took his shirt off in the middle of the laundromat and put it in the wash. He then preceded to walk around without his shirt on in his sweat pants. We went back to find him but alas, he was gone. In his place was a black dude with a forty. We will never know what happened to shirtless mullet.

"Some of the Master of Bashes Greatest Hits"

For some reason he seems to be the perfect street basher. Always with a great bash when it's needed. One of his crowning moments was when we were stopped at a light. As we pulled away he yelled to two guys in leather jackets who thought they were slick shit "Hey you two, I want to see you wrestle in Butter, now" They flipped him off and yelled the usual crap. Another moment was near the same light, A man holding a womans hand was walking down the street and he yelled "Hey, how about you dump that fag and hold my hand you whore" in perfect diction and clarity this was spewed. The couple was dumbfounded.

"The greatest Bash of all-time"

The wwf came to the arena. Hundreds of the worst human trash came out to see the show. There were five of us and we ripped possibly 200 people. Whole conversations were had with the trash entering the arena and plenty of trash attempted to fight the car from the sidewalk. The coveted "Y" that people make when they want to fight occured countless times. This is too much for one sitting, more info later.
New Phrase: Street Bashing. (definition)- 1. To yell from a car at a person/s to incite rage from that person/s. These bashings are usually vulgar and many times non-sensical 2. Yelling statements and/or words to confuse the person/s you are yelling at.
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