On September 11, 2001, the lives of all freedom loving hypocrites- uh,  I mean Americans, were changed forever. Join us, as we recall that tragic date in history...
Tuesday, Sept. 11, was like any other day for the World Trade Center employees.
The streets around the world trade center were crowded, as they usually are at 7:30 AM in NYC.
... and flew them off course towards NYC.
Terrorists hijacked some planes...
Two planes flew into the World Trade Center Buildings, causing huge explosions and killing everyone aboard instantly.
People at the top of the towers jumped to their deaths, rather than wait to be burned alive by the flames.
The NYPD rushes to the scene to help save lives.
The NYC fire department helps get people out before the buildings collapse
Little Timmy tells his father that he loves him, moments before the building collapses and Timmy's father is killed.
As the buildings collapse, hundreds of police officers and firemen are killed by the falling rubble.
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Part 2 of this Tragedy >>
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