Shit Bands of the Week
5/07: Disturbed

This band is different from many rape rock /nu metal bands because they use made up words like "sauht," and "fock." This band is shit because shit can be defined as nu-metal. People who buy this album are often "down with the sickness," seeing as how people vomit when they hear this disgusting attemp at recording a rock album. Ninjas throw stars and kill WWF wrestlers in a bloody massacre when they hear this nu-ass-metal.
There is an infinate number of shitty bands, but these bands stand out and deserve special regongnition for their shittiness...
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Last Weeks Trash: Fleetwood Mac
(fucking click above and see why)
4/29/02:  Asher - the crap band from Ohio, not John B's Asher.
Check out their web page, it's pretty obvious why they're a shit band.
5/3/02: Andrew WK: The worst white trash band ever, next to kid rock of course.. This is the guy that hits himself in the face with bricks before playing a show so his nose will bleed on stage. This is the guy that, before he was famous, toured by himself with a microphone, cd player and portible keyboard. He is a most likely a daily WTB patron. "You know there's a guy in the back of every record store with a gun, and he runs out and murders anyone who buys an Anrew WK record," quotes John B.
    Andrew W gay's band also features 3 guitar players playing the same exact thing. You should watch the "Party Hard" video, because you'll laugh your ass off. Then you'll slit your wrist when you realize this guy and his shit band aren't joking around.
Quince de Mayo: Kris Kross

This band consisted of two (2) twelve (12) year old eighth (8th) grade boys, both named Chris. they had one (1) popular song and wore clothes backwards. After two (2) years of signing things for screaming girls, the boys disappeared forever. Did I mention that they're twelve (12) years old? Enough said...
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