Classic Gay
"What was gay and what is still gay."
note: We do not make fun of homosexuality by using the term "gay". We use it in the sense of something that is shitty and stupid. You could argue that we use it cuz homosexuality is looked at as something to be made fun of, but in this case it means what we want it to mean. Ok fruit cake. Read Ludwig Wittgenstein to educate yourself on language and its use.
The "Metal Madness" guitars that look stupid and are usually played by kids who suck. CC deville of poison played many BC rich guitars in this style and then he died.
The fact that Rush has a new album coming out, this is pretty gay and disturbing. Who would buy this album? Well I can answer that, people who still wear 80's clothes, People from the 80's who played and still play dungeons and dragons, and shitty worthless Rush Fans from the 80's and late 70's. more on rush, see below...
The band poison, they may still be around playing crappy bars in Iowa. Notice: CC is playing a BC rich guitar. Notice: Bret is a piece of trash.
The street punk Genre of music.
This is pretty gay and worthless. They're all about taking down "the man" and flipping off the camera. Black flag is not street punk by the way, they are the first hardcore band.
Ska music, holy shit, I want to kill myself whenever I hear Reel Big Fish.
Neil from Rush, the 20 piece drum set, the band rush, the 16 minute drum solo, the drum solo period....holy shit. For some reason "progressive Rock" meant an increase in the size of your drumset and an increase in the crappiness of your music.
Geddy Lee (to the right) has one of the worst ass voices ever recorded. When I first heard it I thought he was either a woman or a witch. The hurrendous lyrics of bands like Rush and Styx ruined rock for many years. Paving the way for great bands such as Quiet Riot and Warrant.
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