Elizabeth Ann
Most Commonly Know as: Liz
Located: The GG
School: Chapman U!  Panther Pride

Three things that scare me
1. Spiders
2. Being alone
3. Blood, guts, etc

Three people who make me laugh
1. Drunk Desi
2. Lisa
3. Everyone... ;) 

Three things I love
1. Taking pictures
2. Tennis
3. Artsy Fartsy Stuff

Three things I hate

1. Pretenous snobs
2. Stupid people
3. Bad smells

Three things I don't understand:
1. Pretenous snobs
2. Stupid people
3. Boyz

Three things on my desk
1. Huge bottle of Advil
2. Box of pens
3. A bigillion CDs

Three things I'm doing right now
1. This
2. That
3. Yawning

Three things I want to do before I die

1. Travel to England
2. Have a 4 pack on me belly
3. Finish my scrapbooks

Three things I can do
1. Drive stick
2. Smile and Nod
3. Take pictures

Three ways to describe my personality
1. Quirky
2. Patient
3. Raaaaaaaaaaandom

Three things I can't do
1. Be mean
2. Crochet
3. Open Jars
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