
     Do we more commonly see the differences between things or the similarity?  Could math come from an obsession of noticing opposites (on/off, zero/one)?  Math is a methodology of comparison, example; the same, different, different, the same, the same, the same, different... as: 011001�
     One would not compare something to itself, for itself is known to be itself without need for comparison� but is it?  Only for an indefinable moment.  If one were to break apart (physically, mentally�) that something, then comparison now seems more possible.
     If one sees all of existence as a something, without breaking it apart, one sees all and oneself as the same thing, with no need for comparison.  The more one breaks apart existence, the more math is created from "binary" comparisons, grouped into formulas/equations.
     A mistake that we make is to confuse the math that is used as a tool to explain an "object" for the object itself.  "Logic" is born from such comparisons, as the son of our math god, the messiah which shall lead us to the truth.  What a load of shit.  We've become (for the most part) hopelessly addicted to math/logic, causing conflicting truths (which is impossible).  This causes anger, fear, hate, depression� evil.  It is not that math/logic as tools/ideas themselves are evil, but the process of being to lazy to realize that they are self-created tools, and not a direct phone line to god/truth.
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