
As she hides in the cellar,

Bickering and shouts hit from above.

Kneeling in the corner her knees shield her heart,

Tears refract light,

Angels aura from her gaze.


A shoe is thrown,

Battle of caregivers take innocence away.

Scream of a whisper thrusts,

Permeates her soul, her heart is cast away.


Shuddering leaf of a soon-born woman,

Her past dictates everything,

Her journey awaits.

Tainted by the spell of uncaring solitude,

Damp floor her bed till daybreak.


The sun rises again,

Forming a dew,

Angels tears of what has been.

Let rise this child to the scene of battles break,

Creaking floorboards her welcomer,

Though kisses should be instead.


She opens the gates to the kitchen of torn curtains,

Broken memories scattered across plains of past play.

His fault caused a tornado,

Woman’s heart victim,

No disaster to small.


A daughter walks to her mother,

Tears streaming down her red and purple face.

The monster is gone, for the night brings new dawn,

Arms stretch out,

Makeshift bandage for pain.


Embrace of mishandled angels,

Fallen wings, virtue, calm their hate.

Two daughters tight in each others embrace,

Sisters forever..

Natures sunlight held tight.

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