Act 1

Please let me be,

Im thinking.

About all the past things that could have been.

Wondering what could have happened if i did things differently.


Would i have been a millionare,

Living in a penthouse without someone to share my wishes,

Share my dreams.

Could have been a doctor,

Performing plastic surgery to make the youthful live their deceatful dream.


Living out a past of unknowns may have been the worst thing that could have happened to me.

But if i'm living this act,

Playing this part,

I'm just glad your here with me,

Playing the Juliet,

Your Romeo saying these things.


Your eyes tell me all,

Tell me the one thing the world needs.


Why don't you;

Let love,

Take care of everything.

Follow the path thats hidden in films,

You'll find me eventually.


Whatever happened to romantic encounters,

To Youthful kisses filling sidewalks with everyone staring.

Forbidden smiles may be the next thing,

Eventually a ring... sentiment in stone of my deepest feelings.


Please let me be,

Im thinking.

About all the past things that could have been.

Wondering what could have happened,

If i did things differently.


If it would bring different things,

Another person, some baggage without a seam.

I wouldn't trade any other reality for this scene,

Act one in a drama to last through eternity.

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