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Athletic Highlights
Conceived in the forests of Eyre's Corners, young Matt quickly grew envious of children in bigger towns, what with their full-length trousers and highfalutin' signposts.  At times he felt alone in a mythical landscape, and this feeling intensified until the age of twelve when promise of a dashing handlebar burst through his baby soft mug.  Within minutes Matt discovered that Eyre's Corners -- and the people who populated it -- were in fact real; the women were really women, the men, indeed, men.
2005 Canada Summer Games ~ Bronze in 10,000m
2005 Ottawa National Capital 1/2 Marathon ~ 1st Overall
2005 HBC Maritime 10km ~ 1st Overall
2004 CIS Cross-Country ~ 1st to Dominate Dojo

1,500m PB: 3:59
Breath Hold PB: 3:59
Simultaneous 1,500m-Breath Hold PB: 1:14
(at Moment of Paramedical Intervention)

Has beaten Paul Chafe, who has beaten Dylan Wykes, who has  beaten Nate Brennan, who has beaten Kevin Sullivan, who has been to the Olympics.  And thus so too has Matt.

Has come within five minutes of the 10,000m World Record.  He had it, but was boxed in with 200m to go
Unlike most youngsters who dream of flying to the moon, Matt interested himself in what bark was made of.  His mind thus occupied, he modelled his body after that of Richard Gere, his fashion sense after that of Nick McBride, and his deep baritone after that of Sting, under whose voice he showers.  Like these heroes, Matt cares desparately about what he's doing.  Does he know what product he's selling?  No.  What he's doing today?  No.  But he's here, and he's gonna give it his best shot.
Matt believes in Sasquatches

Matt believes in a thing called love.

Matt doesn't know how we'll sleep when our beds are burning.  His has never caught fire.
Favorite Quotations
"I plan to kill myself (on the race course) or die trying."

"Walking is the best possible exercise.  Habituate yourself to walk very far."
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