

When Tobin and Kara were here, Justin had one day trip scheduled. Tobin wanted to visit a large house or castle, and Sandringham is little more than an hour from Bury. Sandringham is a royal estate that includes many things to see besides the house. Our first stop was the house, ornate as expected. What sets it apart from other famous residences that may be more impressive (such as Versailles) is that it is still used. So we saw not just expensive paintings and furniture, but also placesettings that are used in meals and a puzzle that the Queen works on when she stays.

Some of the other things we saw on the estate: a museum with many previously used royal cars, a walk beside a lake and flower gardens, and a room with many exotic hunting trophies. The description explained that since it is no longer politically popular to hunt endangered species, a camera is used by royalty instead of a gun. Hunting and horses seemed to be the theme of much of the house - most of the royalty pride or prided themselves on being excellent marksmen or riders.

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Last edited 26 April 2003
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