

"Leeds is often considered to be the most beautiful castle in England. Begun in the early 12th century, it has been continuously inhabited and its present appearance is a result of centuries of rebuilding and extensions, most recently in the 1930s. Leeds has royal connections going back to 1278, when it was given to Edward I by a courtier seeking favour (190)."

Since the train to Paris for Erin's birthday left very early in the morning, we decided to spend the night near the train station at a bed and breakfast. Right on the way, about 1/2 hour from our destination, is Maidstone, home of Leeds Castle. The castle itself is fine, but what makes it better than other castles is all the things surrounding the castle.

After seeing the castle, we walked around the grounds. The most interesting part of the grounds is a hedge maze. It took us a little while to get to the center, which is a mound that allows a view of the whole maze. There is also an aviary, with tropical birds. Plus an underground tunnel, which goes under the maze. And a large English country garden. And an antique dog collar museum. We spent as much time outside as we did inside.

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Last edited 26 October 2002
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