Welcome to Nerfherder's Playground!
This is a Star Wars fan site with emphasis on Han Solo and Leia Organa.� At this time, all fanfic is by Aquarius and all fanart is by Gemini.� At this time we are not taking submissions from other fans, however we may change our minds about that in the future, especially if we run out of resources like time, ideas, motivation, etc.
We have chosen to use only A New   Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi as canon, as well as Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones for research purposes, even though our characters weren't born yet during these prequels.� We have re-invented much of their back-stories, especially Han's, and we plan a much different future for them than what is offered in the novels that have since come out about these characters.� Here, you will see things like lots of character development and one thing you can't get from the novels ever:� Gemini's artwork!
Why? To answer that is to tell you how this site came to be.� In many ways, we feel that aside from the movies, our favorite characters have not been treated with the dignity and respect they are due.� We wanted back-stories that actually made sense in terms of shaping them into the people we eventually saw on the big screen in 1977, and quite frankly, we're a bit perturbed by how they've been handled in the post-Jedi novels.� Too often Han is portrayed as a big, dumb oaf who needs to be saved from his own masculinity, and Leia...usually we're to believe she has a big, important job like running the galaxy, even though she has tendencies to be na�ve (okay, sometimes stupid!) and behave like a crybaby.� Almost every novel we read has us wondering if the author saw the same movies we did.� And, even though we may catch some flack for this, we are not huge fans of Han and Leia's children.
To put it bluntly, it's a matter of pride:� Aquarius, with tons of help and moral support from Gemini, feels she can do much better.
While these stories and images focus on Han and Leia, they may not all necessarily be "romantic" in nature.� We hope to eventually offer a good assortment ranging from general adventures which feature Han and Leia (simply because we find them to be the most interesting!) to items which delve into the heart and soul of their relationship.� We should now note that while we have romantic stories to offer, at this time they rank very low on the "smut" scale, and you will see no straight-up porn here.� Aquarius has yet to find a way to write a sex scene that is realistic and tasteful and will make no one cringe, and as an artist, Gemini simply does not want to go there!� So while we're not categorically rejecting the idea, don't hold your breath!
That said, enjoy our fanworks!� We also have a Yahoo! Group you can join.  Feel free to use it to discuss the words and images you see here, and while you're there, check out our extensive Han, Leia, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher photo galleries.� We also have a poll question running all the time.� Please remember, if you select an option that allows you to receive email from the Group, you will be automatically informed whenever we post a new fanwork to this site.
Shy about leaving your feedback in a public forum?� You can reach us at these addresses:
Aquarius gets mail at:� [email protected]
Gemini gets mail at:���� [email protected]
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