We've decided with all the updates to fix up the old review page, it was pretty bad. This one now gives our personal opinions on the gun, along with average distance, cost (in CND dollars), gun class, and a general rating on its effectiveness.

Supermaxx 750

Class: Pistol

Distance: 5-8 meters

Cost: $10-15

Comments: This pistol is probably the most powerful small guns I have ever used. It has no ammo holders which is a huge drawback but it shoots really far and it is so damn accurate, you can always use our ammo mod on it to fix that one problem. Its also really cheap. Get it. Its really good and fun.

Rating: 9 (without mod)

Lock 'n' Load

Class: Pistol

Distance: 4-6 meters

Cost: $15-20

Comments: This pistol has good potential with a few small mods but even by itself if is a powerfull sidearm and a reliable gun. I've had my Lock 'n' Load for three years now, I only modified it last year, and it still works great. This gun is amoung the best of Nerf Pistols.

Rating: 7 (without mod)

Secret Shot

Class: Double-Barrel Pistol

Distance: Primary barrel 4-6 meters
Secondary barrel 2-3 meters

Cost: Discontinued Comments: The Secret Shot was a cool idea but in reality, who doesn't know about the "secret" handle barrel?? After all those commercials its not really secret. Even so its main barrel has great power but it tends to shoot high. Its handle barrel is weaker but can still help in a pinch. It can fire faster because of the second barrel but you have to be careful of the dart falling out. All in all this is the gun to get when you need to back up a larger slow firing one.

Rating: 7.5

Secret Shot II

Class: Double-Barrel Pistol

Distance: Primary barrel 1-3 meters
Secondary barrel 3-5 meters

Cost: $15-20

Comments: Not as many people have this gun compared to the origional. The first was easily better. Its "hidden" barrel flips around when you press the secondary trigger. Unlike the first Secret Shot this one is air powered so its components don't break as easily but is rate of fire is decreased. Surprisingly its secondary barrel is usually the stronger of the two but it doesn't fire as acurrately, shooting higher than wanted more often than not. The primary barrel is actually very acurate but it has no range no matter how much you pump. Overall I wouldn't buy this gun myself but someone who likes to go head on, two of these babies can pack a punch.

Rating: 6

Sharpshooter II

Class: Double-Barrel Pistol

Distance: Lower barrel 5-7 meters
Upper barrel 3-5 meters

Cost: $20-25

Comments: This gun rocks. Well, as soon as you modify it it does. Just plug the air hole in the barrel with tape (look in our mods section). Then attach alot of elastics like the elastic band methods tells you too (again in our mods section). After this the gun can shoot so damn far and is so powerful, it really hurts to get hit. Find it and buy it, you'll never regret it. It has two barrels if you wanted to know. This is the best sidearm you can get, hands down!

Rating: 9.5

Supermaxx 1500

Class: Sharpshooter

Distance: 7-10 meters

Cost: $25

Comments: This gun is much better than the 3000. Its pump is better designed and if you practice enough you can get a pretty good firing rate. Like the package says, don't bother pumping it anymore than 4 times cause most of the time it makes little difference and it can crack the darts! Unlike the 3000 this Supermaxx has you manually turn the barrel, the plus is it is much more durable this way. It is a great sniper weapon because it can shoot really far and accuratly or its a sort of scaled down trooper weapon if you feel like shooting it quickly. Overall I would buy this gun again in a second, It is probably the best medium Nerf Weapon I have ever encountered, Get it!

Rating: 9.5


Class: Medium Trooper

Distance: 5-7 meters

Cost: $30

Comments: This gun almost works as an extension of your own arm. If you work on it you can usually cock it one-handed which means two of these things are amazing. A single RatchetBlast can work alright too as long as you mememorize what the firing order for the four separate barrels is, otherwise you can easily miss. Other than that, this is a pretty good all-around gun.

Rating: 7.5

Chain Blazer

Class: Medium Rapid-Fire

Distance: 3-5 meters

Cost: Discontinued

Comments: This is basically the earlier version of the rototrack. Its not quite as good but it works. It has the same idea, pumper action, just not as comfortable or easily used, it also doesn't really shoot as far but hey, if you have it, use it.

Rating: 6.5


Class: Large Rapid-Fire

Distance: 4-7 meters

Cost: $30

Comments: This rapid fire gun is a great idea that wasn't well thought out. Inside this gun a tiny plastic nub is attached to a spring which is what rotates the barrel. This tiny piece of plastic is so easily broken it isn't even funny. Mine actually lasted 4 or so months after that it was only good for scrap (pieces of it are attached to most of my other guns). It is really fun to use and has range, fair acuracy and real speed, if it didn't break it would be one the of the best guns there is but it does break and so I'd say don't get this gun unless your really desperate. If you have it already be ready to take it apart. If yours is already broken just take it apart, CAREFULLY it flys apart almost as soon as the casing's off, and try to find whats wrong.

Rating: 9 (until it breaks)


Class: Large Rapid-Fire

Distance: 2-5 meters

Cost: Discontinued

Comments: This unique Nerf weapon uses clips instead of ammo holders or large barrels. This gun is cool and fun but be warned, you have to be willing to take it apart from time to time. Unlike the Supermaxx 3000 it doesn't break such important parts and it is much easier to fix. After a while this gun loses its power so use the "Streached Spring" modification in our Mod section. Especially when its power is low it has good acuracy. It fires really fast so its good for taking out a group of people or a couple if they've barricaded themselves in a room. While its has its bad days this gun is fun to use if you pratice a bit and it has many uses. If you can still find it around you should get it, its a good weapon.

Rating: 8

Big Bad Bow

Class: Large Bow

Distance: 5-9 meters

Cost: $25-35

Comments: This is pretty typical of the new sets Hasbro keeps trying to bring out. It has an amazingly corny name which no one over the age of 4 finds funny. Beyond that it can actually do fairly well as a long range weapon. Give this to the guy in your base to fend off attacks. It has good range and accuracy, as long and the feathers stay on the arrows, glue them back on if they fall off.

Rating: 7.5

Supermaxx 3000

Class: Large Rapid-Fire

Distance: 5-6 meters

Cost: $30-35

Comments: (Note-I have a newer version of this gun this review does not apply comletly to this pictured gun) This gun is made by Nerf, don't get it confused with the Larami 2500 cause this is basically a remake of that gun with a few extras thrown in. This gun has been my main weapon for the passed few months, but as I realized early on it has a few major flaws. When creating the rotating gatling barral Nerf failed to realized that plastic can't take that much pressure and so the hand grip pump breaks pretty easily, along with that break the ability for the barral to rotate automatically is gone. Mine broke of course but I replaced the screws with a wire and alot of Duct tape (Duct tape can work wonders on broken Nerf guns). After this I lost the auto rotate capability and so its rate of fire is seriously decreased. Even so I still love using this gun because of its power. I can shoot farther than alot of other Nerf guns I've used, it holds 8 darts and the possiblity for outer modifications is endless. Right now i have a couple of ammo holders attached to the air tank along with a laser pointer holder and an attachment for holding a flashlight so that aiming and darkness are suddenly easily overcome. I made the mistake of buying this gun but if you want a trooper weapon buy the Supermaxx 3000. Personally I would suggest buying the Supermaxx 1500, its tons better.

Rating: 7.5


Class: Large Rapid-Fire

Distance: 3-5 meters

Cost: $35-40

Comments: This gun has some seriously fast shooting. You aim this at an enemy and they have no damn chance of avoiding all this freakin darts. The Wildfire is probably the fastest shooting nerf weapon every created and it looks cool too. Its alittle bulky for some of the smaller players but it has a shoulder strap which helps with that. I like it better than the Supermaxx 3000 because its not as prone to breaking randomly. If you want a big-ass fast shooting gun, but this one.

Rating: 8

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