Akela's Power Traits at The Brave and the Bold

Even before being augmented by lost Atlantean technology, Akela was in superb physical condition and was above average strength and endurance and possessed great agility and coordination.

Now her agility and coordination have been augmented to low level super human levels. She has an incredibly fast reaction time and can usually get the drop on anyone with even the fastest of normal human reactions. Her raw agility and coordination is sufficient to outstrip Dick Grayson's native ability, he just makes up for it in training and experience in many areas.

One of the many changes made to Akela by the Atlantean technology she encountered was to extend her lifespan. Barring unforeseen incidents she can expect to live to be over 5,000 years old and remain youthful though out most of that. She is currently aging at a rate of about a year every twenty-five, but once she reaches her (physical) mid-twenties (which will be around 240 years) her aging will slow to a year every couple of centuries or so. When she reaches the physical age of 48 (around 5000 years) her aging will return to a relative normal rate of a year aged every two and a half years experienced (this means, for example, that at a physical age of 68 she will be 5050 years old).

Because of her great strength, Akela is capable of making a 100' standing long jump. This translates to a 50' vertical height when jumping straight into the air and, with a running start, she can clear 150' horizontally.

Part of the augmentation that Akela received has made her incredibly tough and resistant to damage. Her skin is not quite capable of bouncing bullets, but even bullets do little damage to her. Additionally, she is able to take levels of punishment that would incapacitate a normal person and keep going. It is not impossible to incapacitate her, but it takes a lot of beating to get her to that point.

Examples of this would be that a knife blade will do little harm to her at all, a sword with a keen edge could hurt her about as much as a knife would a normal person. In regards to firearms, pistols can hurt her a bit but to cause real damage she either must be shot in a soft spot (like the eye), be hit by a very lucky shot that can reach her heart or other internal organs, or be either shot by a weapon more powerful than a pistol or be hit by multiple bullets successively in the same exact spot.

Even before being augmented by lost Atlantean technology, Akela was in superb physical condition and was above average strength and endurance and possessed great agility and coordination.

Now she is strong enough to lift five tons with maximum effort. As the augmentation was performed by ancient, Atlantean technomagic, items she lifts are not damaged by stresses created by being lifted by a human being, meaning she is quite capable of lifting a pickup truck by its back bumper and not having the bumper come off in her hands (unless that was her intention). Her endurance has been augmented to match her strength, allowing her to perform at peak human exertion for up to twelve hours before beginning to feel the first signs of fatigue.

This page was created on 9/24/2002 and was last updated on 9/24/2002.

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