Akela's Personality Traits at The Brave and the Bold

Akela is an energetic person who likes to be physically active. While not in constant movement nor seeming hyperactive, she is always ready to engage in exercise (be it sparing or a sport).

Akela is a people person. She enjoys meeting people and making friends. She appears to be open and totally giving because of this, despite her core of personal privacy she keeps burried within her.

"The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference."
The above statement is a phrase that Akela can occasionally be heard saying. She sees this as axiomatic; love is passionate, as is hatred. Only when you are dispassionate about someone or something can you truly be said to be experiencing the opposite of those two related emotions. Akela can treat someone with indifference to the point where they might wonder if she was actually incapable of sensing their presence, but she is aware, she just doesn't care.

Even though she is friendly, Akela is a private person and prefers to keep things to herself. This can sometimes cause problems for her as described in the Private Flaw trait.

Despite her energetic and friendly nature, there is a deep sadness in Akela. This is from having to leave her family behind and then watch them grow old and die. These kinds of experiences leave an indelable mark on a person and how they behave.

Akela is slow to give her trust to a person (see Private Personality and Flaw traits) but once she has she views them as an intergral part of her life and she trusts them implicedly. However, should her trust be abused the person can find themselves treated as not even existing (see Indifference Personality trait) or have earned her wrath.

This page was created on 9/24/2002 and was last updated on 9/24/2002.

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