The Essentials

The Essentials


My full name is Melinda Lee LeBlanc. If you should choose to stalk me, there you have it! I was born in Herndon or some rot and I spent the rest of my natural existance in the DC Metro area, specifically Fairfax Station, VA. As the years go by it tended to became more and more progressively boring. I have swings in my backyard, a rope you can toss yourself around on, and lots of squirrels. They're very nice once you take the time out to talk to them a little. I live in Richmond now. It's swell2k. Let's see. I do not have very short hair, sorry for the upset. Neither do I have bangs, again sorry. AND it is a medium brown. Who knows how long I can keep this up. I have my ear lobes gauged to 1/2's. Soon to be larger once I come across adequate funding. I drive a black Saturn 4-door. Hell yes. I stand about 5 foot 7 and I could not beat you up, nor would I want to.

::Things I Do Not Do Voluntarily::

I have my dream job at a bookstore. It can be incredibly fun. And I get lots of good books. My itsy bitsy library will be huge. I met Chaddums through work. He gets in trouble. It makes me sad. My manager walks very quickly, and on his toes. Very entertaining. He never works Saturday or Friday nights. That makes the rest of us angry.

::The Rock::

Presently I've been rocking Pg99, Pig Destroyer, American Nightmare, Spitfire, Waifle, Orchid, Kind of Like Spitting, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Cryptopsy, Yaphet Kotto, Majority Rule, Blonde Redhead, Weezer, Dillinger Escape Plan, Alkaline Trio, Bright Eyes, Maharahj, Cradle of Filth, Darkest Hour, Camera Obscura, Soilwork, Arab on Radar, Usurp Synapse, Kojak, Creation is Crucifixion, Walls of Jericho, the Locust, Crestfallen, and many others. Iron Maiden is pretty rockin awesome. George makes me listen to Stryper. That makes me sad. They aren't very good...sorry.


Amy Chatterton is my best friend. Means the world to me. Who else would go to a strip club with me armed with scrap paper and quarters. She also pulls out muscles dancing in my car. It's weird, but she's still cool. I've had my puppy since I was three. She's kinda old and slow now, but she's still my baby. Her name is Freckles. How original. I was three. Alright? I'm big on animals and outsidedness. People who beat their pets should be put in jail indefinitely for being ignorant jerks. I am a vegetarian, and yes. I plan on moving down to Richmond in late August. It should be a grand time. Katie Kay will be there soon also. Look out. There's a beautifully wonderful person that i refer to as Davikins that lives in Oakville Ontario. I miss him between every breath i take and can't wait to hold his hand again.


My art is my sanctuary. No one's eyes are meant to see it but mine. Through every line, stroke, and thought I discover something else about myself. Complexity is a virtue. I would like to think that I am not easily fooled by the masses, but at the same time I am very gullible and overly trusting. This sets the stage for much heartache and sleepless nights. My forever is far away and I have no yet come across my way of grasping it. Sketches and poetry, colors and antiquity, the relationship between the slight movement of his hand and hair hiding my gaze from afar. Few people here understand what I am about, what motivates me to be the way I am, and do the things I do. I don't know if anyone does. Or if they are even supposed to. Or if I want them to. I like being able to count my true friends on one hand. hi guys. xoxox. i graduated June 3rd. Pretty great huh? :D

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