Virtual Scope
Description: The Virtual Scope is a red-dot style sight that comes in the 2-Pack Accessory Kit with the Thunder Pack. Instead of a red-dot on a glass lens, it's a green dot on a plastic "lens" (no magnification) with a crosshairs graphic. This is an essential accessory for the Deluxe tagger due to the unintuitive built-in sights on that tagger. It's not as needed on the Drone or TMB, but still much better than the built-in notch and post sight.

Pros: Provides accurate sighting for LTTO taggers; bright green light is easy to see, even in the sun; crosshairs can be useful even without green dot; possibly mod-able to cast light on the tagger's LCD panel for night games.

Cons: Requires 2 AAA batteries, so don't leave it turned on! Also, it's kind of big for what it does.
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