Master Blaster
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Description: The Tag Master Blaster, TMB, was the third LTTO tagger. This is the BFG of the LTTO line, with a rifle design and projectile tag "missile" launcher. While it might seem that this tagger would provide the team with it a great advantage, in practice this is not necessarily the case. Though if players complain, simply make sure each team has an equal number of TMBs on it.

Pros: Dual Mode (with a Drone or another TMB); Top sights; Multiple shot modes including single, burst, and automatic; Missile that emits numerous tags upon impact; Adjustable locking stock for comfort as rifle; Status LEDs above screen for Lock-On, Tag Confirmation, and Missile Ready; Light-up hit indicator in receiver dome when a tag is received; 11 game types; Longer range (up to twice that of Deluxe and Drone); Ability to send simple text messages to other taggers; Ability to name your TMB; Auto reload; WoW compatibility mode with fixes to bugs in Drone WoW mode; Can use external sensors; Only turns on with trigger pull

Cons: No Mega Shots; No Medic Mode; Cannot use HUD unit (no port); No hardware mute switch (must hold 2ndF button in-game); Smaller LCD panel requires screen scrolling to see important data; Auto-reload forces a short pause in ability to fire; Tighter beam focus requires higher aiming accuracy; Large and possibly unwiedly for smaller players; Only one missile, which must then be retrived to re-use; Missile is air powered, requiring pumping the stock before it can be launched; Stock only has three locking positions
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