It�s an age-old question, but it is still being asked. �What�s in it for me?�

As a member of a chapter board of directors, we have responsibilities to our members and their children.  Did we volunteer for our chapter board for the �perks� or are we here because we want to help out?  We ask ourselves, �Are we here to give of ourselves or are we here to take what we can get?� What�s in it for me? However, the question can be looked at a different way. What�s in it for me? What do I get out of all this? After serving a year as a chapter board member, what will I be able to take with me? What�s in it for me? What will I have earned for myself?  How about:
Personal pride of having done a job well.

Meeting more people, making more contacts

Making more friends

Becoming better organized

Learning how to plan ahead

Learning how to deal with different kinds of people

Building up you confidence and self-respect

Learning how to get the job done.

In other words, what you will have learned and experienced as a member of your Chapter Board of Directors are management skills.  What real value are these skills and what benefit are they to me?  Being an active board member is the kind of experience that can actually be put on a resume or job application.   (Especially if you worked on a special committee).  There is something in it for you after all, but it isn�t what you may have thought.

Volunteering for your chapter board of directors is more than �just helping out�.  It is actually an opportunity to grow personally and professionally.  Don�t let an opportunity like this pass you by.
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