Nerat Weyr Persona - T'val

Nerat Weyr operates with permission from Anne McCaffrey.
Last Update: 11th November 2004

Played by abaileymd

15 (as of Oct. '04)
Junior rider
The most noticible thing about T'val are his eyes. They are large and very dark, with thick dark lashes. They are set well in a boyish face on either side of a pert but not upturned nose. He has a good jaw, though it hasn't fully developed yet. His ears seem to stick out from his head a bit, but he may grow into them.

His skin is olive toned and as yet, untroubled by acne. His hair is a medium brown that may darken with age, very straight and fine, like a much younger child's. Basically, although he is 15, he is late in hitting many of the puberty changes that strike boys then. He is strong but not muscular, he is thin, but not gawky (yet), and still quite short.
T'val is, as yet, a very gentle mannered and obedient boy. He has his streaks of rebellion, as all teens do, but they have not come out in full yet. He is a good student in his lessons, though he'd often rather be outside with his dragon, Oneanth. He is generally thoughtful and intelligent, very good at tactical thinking. He is a reluctant daredevil, only coaxed into reckless adventures by the teasings of his peers.
T'val was born in Nerat Weyr, the very first child born there. His mother worked in the lower caverns at Ista Weyr and transfered to Nerat when it opened. She was nearly 6 months pregnant with T'val at the time. He was born the same day as the first hatching. He was celebrated in the lower caverns as the dragonets were celebrated by the riders.

He grew up a weyrbrat, exploring in the small caves and recesses that adults could not fit into. He had the typical mishaps that children do, breaking an arm trying to climb into a green rider's weyr on a dare and getting bitten by a tunnel snake when he was six. He knew as soon as he could speak that he wanted to be a dragonrider, though his mother tried to encourage him to look at a craft.

The entire weyr knows who T�val is. It is almost as if every adult in the weyr considers him their own child. Every time he came to the kitchens, the cooks have treats for him. Riders would have a trinket for him whenever they came back from a gather. He stood to his first clutch as soon as he was eligible at twelve turns and the entire weyr cheered when he impressed brown Oneanth.

He was the youngest of his weyrling class by a full turn and occasionally teased for being a baby. Some of the weyrlings who had been searched from outside the weyr though he was given preferential treatment by the weyrling master and T�val worked doubly hard to prove that he earned everything he got. He is now 15 and Oneanth is full-grown. Oneanth has yet to give chase in a mating flight and T�val is apprehensive about the experience which is sure to occur soon.
T�val has quick, deft fingers on reed pipes.
He has a carved toy dragon that he�s had since he was very young.

Brown Oneanth

3 (as of Oct. '04)
He has good stamina and above average agility for a brown.
Oneanth is not quite as polite as his rider and very curious, often asking questions about sensitive subjects and even posing them to people other than his rider. If T�val is blushing, it is most likely due to something Oneanth is curious about.
Description: Oneanth is a moderately sized brown, the color of klah with just a touch of cream stirred in. He has darker patches on his flanks and on his throat.

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright� Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2001, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.

The Dragonriders of Pern� is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.

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