Nerat Weyr Persona - Sh'lin

Nerat Weyr operates with permission from Anne McCaffrey.
Last Update: 11th November 2004

Played by Rosalba

27 (as of Oct. '04)
Sh'lin is well muscled and somewhat intimidating. Although not tall, his bulk makes him a formiddable opponent. He has black hair cut short, but for some reason it gives him a more severe look than most riders. His eyes are grey, but buried beneath heavy brows. His nose is rather flat and crooked, making look as though it's been broken. His skin is swarthy.
For all his menacing appearance, Sh'lin is a very kind, cerebral man. He dislikes fighting and avoids it whenever possible. He is quite genial, though occasionally accused of lacking in humor.
Sh'lin is weyrbred, from Benden, the son of two riders. He was fostered as soon as he was born and knows his parents only by name. He is not aware if he has any siblings, half or full. He lived in the creche and helped around the weyr in any tasks that the children were assigned to. He often took on the role of protector to smaller children who were tormented by bullies.

He never liked to fight and was only ever in one as a boy. He was assigned to muck out the runner stables with a few other weyrbrats. An older boy, Tilmin, about 15 turns, was among the others assined the chore. Tilmin had a bit of a temper and the mare whose stable he was mucking out stepped on Tilmin's foot. Tilmin hit the runner first with the handle of his pitchfork and then turned the prongs on her. Before he could do serious damage, Shilin had pulled him out of the stall and had him down on the floor in the aisle with a bloody lip, broken nose and a sprained wrist.

The incident was enough to ensure that he never had to fight as retelling exagerated his actions and made him quite feared. Or maybe it was that he was 5 turns Tilmin's junior. In any case, he was never given any trouble by the Weyr bullies and those he befriended were also kept clear of unfriendly fists.

Aside from displeasure at having to fight in the first place, Shilin was further dismayed to find that the altercation produced a swelling in his hand that made him unable to play instruments for several days. He had shown an aptitude for music and the Weyrharper had taken him on as something of a part-time appretice. Had he not Impressed Aleath, he very likely would have entered the Harpercraft full time.

Sh'lin impressed Aleath at his second Hatching. After leaving the sands alone the first time, he'd become half convinced that he was bound for the Harperhall and had to be coaxed into standing a second time. Although he loves Aleath with all his heart, he still wonders what it would have been like if he'd become a harper instead.

He transferred to Nerat Weyr shortly before the Pass started, one of many to suppliment the new Weyr which, even with ten years of hatchings was not fully staffed. Sh'lin likes the semi-tropical Neratian climate more than colder mountain air of Benden and while many of the transfers returned to their home Weyrs after a few Turns, Sh'lin chose to stay.
Sh'lin has a pleasant voice and is reasonably adept on his gitar.
A journeyman-made gitar

Green Aleath

Aproximately 13 (as of Oct. '04)
An average sized green, Aleath is not the most nimble of her sisters. However, she makes up with a blue sized flame.
Aleath is a VERY friendly dragon. She will talk to most anyone, though her remarks don't always make much sense. She always seems to rise unexpectedly, rarely showing any proddiness before hand.

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright� Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2001, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.

The Dragonriders of Pern� is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.

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