Nerat Weyr Persona - Nyeta

Nerat Weyr operates with permission from Anne McCaffrey.
Last Update: 11th November 2004

Played by [email protected]

32 (as of Oct. '04)
Assistant Headwoman
Nyeta is about 5'2" with dark brown 100% straight hair that is about waist length. Her skin is quite fair and she tends to burn fairly easily. Features are what would be called `classic' on earth and her eyes are dark brown as well. She normally wears skirts that come to mid calf with a light blouse and tunic. Her hair is normally plaited and tied off with a strip of leather. Her figure is about average for a woman in her early thirties and her hands are somewhat work-roughened.
Nyeta is relatively difficult person to get along with. She is sharp with her words and generally unsympathetic. She is also exceedingly competent and while she's tells a weyrbrat exactly how stupid they were, she also attends to the hurts and the mess with a gentle efficiency that makes up for the scolding for most of the children. She is not ambitious but she can be rather inclined to take over situations and projects if there isn't someone else there with it all firmly in hand.
Nyeta came to Nerat Weyr when it was founded as a volunteer from Telgar Weyr. Her mother was a resident at Telgar Weyr and her father a crafter. Although give the opportunity in her teens, she chose not to ever Stand. In her twenties, she had two children of her own, Rysetan and Virienne, both fathered by her weyrmate, R'sam, rider of brown Skith. She also fosters a number of other weyr children � most of them naturally mischievious creatures needing strict discipline. She rose to the position of assistant headwoman out of plain ability and the rather pragmatic attitude of those above her that she's easier to deal with when she is in a defined role.
Nyeta is left handed and she has a pleasant contralto singing voice.


Blue Isko

9 (as of Oct. '04)
Think of a young hyperactive cat with wings. That's Isko.
Originally a gift from R'sam, Isko is a very pale blue in colour. Despite the fact that Nyeta loves him, he frequently gets chased out of where she's working because of his penchant for getting into things he shouldn't.

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright� Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2001, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.

The Dragonriders of Pern� is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.

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