Nerat Weyr Persona - Adara

Nerat Weyr operates with permission from Anne McCaffrey.
Last Update: 11th November 2004

Played by Vivid

17 (as of Oct. '04)
Adara is cute, there is no other way to put it. She doesnt have the exotic beauty of her cousin, Calendia. Instead she has the pixie-like cuteness that makes some of the boys sigh. Her hair is a rusty red-brown color, curly and long. It falls down to her mid back and shimmers with gold highlights. Her hazel eyes are woodland colors; a mixture of heather gray, willow brown and olive green. She is slender, with long legs that love to run, smallish breasts. Her most flattering feature is her straight white teeth and her smile. Her left knee has a nasty cut on it from a fall she took as a child and another on her right eblow. Her arms and face are speckled with brown freckles and her skin is known to burn easily. She has three small moles on the right side of her neck and one on the back of her ear. She stands 5'8 and weights 167lbs.

Adara loves to run and so she favors pants and shorts in lue of dresses and skirts. She can be convinced to wear dresses at Gathers but it is a rare event that she gets to go to one. She likes vests and shirts that dont get in the way. Around her neck she wears a plain leather cord with a seashell as a pendant.
Adara is wild like the wind and loves to gallop like wild runners on the plains. She loves to laugh and lets her heart rule her mind, which tends to get her in trouble. She doesnt think before she speaks and is an be impatient and bold at times. She is a solitary girl, liking to spend most of her time playing by herself. She has a wild imagination and loves to play at being a dragonrider or a wise master healer when she is alone. Her explorations have gotten her into a few close calls, one including a near brush with a wild wher.

She loves runners, comparing herself to an unbroken filly who wants nothing to do with chores and everything to do with playing. She will race anyone, for she knows she is faster than most in the Weyr. When it comes to boys, she likes them but she tends to be a little shy around them.
Adara was raised at Nutal Cothold, a small cothold barely noticable by others. Three days travel from Nutal was Fort Hold. Adara's father, Adonis, was a runner breeder and spent many of his good days training his beasts. Adonis always wanted more for his only daughter than he had to give her. She was the youngest of his three children, his other two being sons. Her mother had died when she was only two and he had raised her himself. However, Adonis had a sister, Calistia, who lived at Fort Hold. He knew his sister had ways to make his daughter's life better so he sent Adara to live with her and her daughter, Celandia.

Adara and Celandia were the same age, 17, when they met for the first time. Adara liked Celandia right off and Celandia was never rude to Adara to her face. Calistia was hoping to marry her daughter Celandia to the Lord Holder's second son, but her plans were foiled. A dragonrider came from Nerat Weyr and not only Searched Celandia but Adara as well. The girls were sent to Nerat Weyr and Adara is thrilled that she will no longer have to marry the BlackSmith Son and that she might be a dragonrider.
Riding, grooming runners, cleaning, cooking
A seashell pendant, a small wooden runner toy.

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All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright� Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2001, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.

The Dragonriders of Pern� is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.

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