Logfile from Nerak Trau's interview. 1/4/2003. Trau walks in through the great doors from the courtyard. Trau walks into the Healer Crafthall. Trau walks in from the Healer Passage. Trau opens a door labelled The Flying Mug and walks through. Trau walks in from the Flying Mug. Trau walks through the double doors leading into the dining hall. Trau walks in past the double doors from the dining hall. Trau walks through the great doors into the courtyard. Trau walks in through the great doors from the courtyard. Trau enters a short corridor which leads to the hold shops. You paged Trau with: Nerak pages, "are you lost??" Trau pages, "No, just exploring." You paged Trau with: Nerak pages, "I see you keep walking into and out of everything... ok.. have fun! hehe" Trau pages, "Well, and I'm looking for a job. But just exploring." You paged Trau with: Nerak pages, "what are you thinking about doing? do you have a mind for a certain craft?" Trau pages, "Well, I was going to try HarperCraft, but I dunno, I'm not so set on it now." You paged Trau with: Nerak pages, "well, good luck! If you consider Healer, let me know! :)" From afar, Trau is possibly considering it right now. Trau walks in from the hold shops area. Trau walks into the Healer Crafthall. You paged Trau with: Nerak pages, "also, if you need any help, let me know" Nerak walks into the healer passage and sees that there is a new face in the hallway. "Hello there, I'm Journeywoman Nerak, can I help you?" Trau bows and says, "Well, if I may, maam, I do have one question. Where would I go to get more info about the HealerCraft? I'm considering applying." Nerak grins, "Well, I can answer any questions you may have about the craft, or at least try to!" She chuckles. "If you'd like some klah and would like to sit down and talk, we can go to the healer lounge - that is if you'd like to..." She says, looking Trau over. Trau nods and a warm smile crawls across his face. "Alright, I should very much like that. Lead the way." He pauses for a moment, and then a look of slight horror crosses him. "Where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Trau." Nerak smiles, "Well, it's nice to meet you, Trau. Follow me, it's this way." She says, while walking off towards the Healer Lounge. Nerak walks into the lounge and to the klah pot in the back, which is always kept full. She pulls a clean mug off of the table near the pot and fills two mugs. "I drink mine black, how would you like yours?" She asks, turning around to look at you. Trau walks in with a flourish and flurry of white cloak that reminds one of falling snow. He pivots his head and observes the surrondings with watchful emerald eyes, and upon hearing Nerak's inquiry, fixes attention on her. "I'll have the same, thank you." Nerak turns around holding both mugs, "Well, this is our Healer Lounge. This is where we come to rest, study, get klah, relax... among other things. You get the idea. Over here are the comfortable chairs." She points to the chairs in the corner as she walks over to them. She sets the klah mugs down on a table, then sits in a chair. "Do please sit down, unless you'd rather play darts!" She says with a grin, pointing out the dart board on the wall. "So, what kind of questions do you have about our craft?" Trau strides over and takes a seat and a klah mug gratefully. Between sips, he says, "Well, I was wondering what requirements there were to become an apprentice, mostly." Nerak nods her head as she picks up her own mug of klah and blows on it, then finally takes a sip. "Ah, the most asked question!" She chuckles. "Ok, as far as requirements, there are few. What a person needs to know is that as a healer apprentice, there is a lot of hard work involved. We do require you to go to classes, and ... as in all crafts... there is a bit of work to be done as well: keeping the Healer Hall clean, etc. Does this sound appealing to you?" She asks with a grin. Trau fidgets in his seat and flings his cloak back so he's not sitting on it. But he smiles and ponders for a moment. "As you mentioned yourself, work and chores come with any craft, as do classes. But I very much cherish the idea of helping people and the whole purpose of the Healer Craft. I have been to almost all the Crafthalls, save the ones involving a craft that does not pique my curiosity, and I believe I shall decide to be a healer. As the old cliche goes, what you're trying to find is always in the last place you look. Of course, you wouldn't go on looking after you had found it, so this is always true." he says, chuckling. [OOC:] Trau says "I have been around looking for a craft for quite a while -- I wasn't just saying that." Nerak shakes her head with amusement, "Very true! To tell you the truth, all that didn't sound very appealing to me, I just knew I wanted to heal. My father had been very ill for a while, and I had to help care for him... that kind of clinched the healer longing for me. How about you? What in the healer craft calls to you?" [OOC:] Nerak says "ah... glad you came here! This is a very active craft! " Trau's shoulders ascend in a slight shrug, and he thinks for a moment more. "As I said, I am just the type of person that enjoys being helpful." [OOC:] Trau says "A polite, thoughful shrug, by the way." [OOC:] Nerak says "hehe... I figured that! hehe" [OOC:] Trau says "I thought that since I didn't specify, it was open to be wrongly interpreted." [OOC:] Trau doesn't want that to happen. Nerak takes a sip of her klah again, "You can be helpful in any craft... Why Healers? I'm not prying, just trying to see your intentions." She looks at Trau and considers. "I'm trying to determine whether you are only interested in Healer because you had a person to talk to, or if you really want to be a healer?" [OOC:] Nerak says "in reality, you need to fill out a questionaire first, then an interview. If you are serious about being a healer, I can do the 'official' interview now... unless you are still jsut looking around... dont' let that intimidate you though..." Trau's amiable expression wilts slightly, and his gaze sems to become cetered on a spot between his boots on the floor. "Well, it's just that...after my grandmother died of sickness when I was very young, it was always in the back of my mind that I wanted to try and prevent that from happening to others." Two fingers are raised to brush his platinum hair back from his forehead, and he looks up again. [OOC:] Trau says "Similar "relation-died-when-young-story." And I'm not intimidated, don't worry." Nerak nods, "I do understand... after my father died, I felt the same way. That is why I am here. I have gone through a lot of hard work, but as you can see... people do make it through they apprenticehood!" She adds, chuckling. [OOC:] Nerak says "so... do you want the official interview? If so, I have the questions to ask you... but you would still have to fill out the questionaire." [OOC:] Nerak says "to find out more about filling out the questionare, type 'help healer craft'" [OOC:] Trau says "Sure. I have decided. And questionnaire is fine." [OOC:] Nerak says "cool! having another healer on board is great! Ok... some of the questions are OOC... so we'll start w/them... our OOC light is on now... psycodelic lava lamp is now on..." Nerak Ok, these questions are about you as a player, why do you want your character to be a healer? [OOC:] Nerak says "I am logging this as well, to send to the staff to make the decision" Trau laughs. "Hmm...it looks fun. And I believe I could have the commitment level to be a helpful contributor to activities and such." Nerak Ok, Tell me about your character. Elaboration is good! Trau says, "Okay, although I really don't know where to start. He's been an Ista Hold resident for quite a while, or did you mean personality-wise?" Nerak I guess I mean, how long have you been playing this character, and what is his background, his personality, etc... whatever you think the staff needs to make a decision whether or not you'd make good Healer material! :) Trau says, "Alrighty then, again, I have no idea where to start. I've been playing him since last summer, although there's a gap in my history from about when school started up to about a month ago when I was able to get back on. Anyhow, his background: he was born in Ista Hold, and has lived there quite a while. Personality-wise: he's a pretty quiet person except when around close friends or when there's no provision to be. He's above-average in intelligence and is very diligent with work he's given and such...he's also pretty serious about most things he does, so he's not a life o' the party type of guy, but he gets stuff done when it needs to be. Anything else you would like me to say?" Nerak nopes. Sounds good! Ok, next question: Why do you want to be a student, both ICly and OOCly? Why choose being a student over becoming an apprentice? Nerak says "* One questions I know they'll ask is this, if you were off from when school started until now, is this going to be your pattern? or will you be able to be on during school times... We have players doing both... but the ones that can get on more often do rise up the ladder of promotions much faster." Trau says "Well, the reason was that my dad is cheap and my PC got messed up, so I got really good grades and he got me a new one. And to the previous question, I didn't know that I had chosen student. I already think I know, but would like to clarify the difference." Nerak ok... a student takes classes, apprentices just learn on the job... or at least that is what I believe anyways! heheh :) Nerak laughs... I just saw that this is the next question... What do you see as the difference between a Healer student and a Healer apprentice? Trau figured that was what it was. Anyhow, I don't know. I was thinking that it was what you said. It's just that OOCly, I'm a better class learner than example learner. Nerak grins... good answer! hehe. Me too. And we /really/ do have classes. Once you are added as a student, you too can bug sr appies and Jmen to teach a class! hehe. Trau snickers. Nerak Ok, last question. What area of healing will your character study? ( If you don't know, type 'help special' to see the various specialties.) Trau says, "It's not doing anything and I don't know." Nerak hmmm ok, Midwifery, Diagnostics, Herbalry, Pediatrics, Mindhealing, Geriatrics, Dolphinhealing and DragonHealing (if you go on to impress a Dragon), and Emergency Medicine are our most common ones thus far, though there are others like Bonehealing, Dentistry, etc. Do any of these appeal to you? Trau hmms. "OOCly I've always like ER shows on TLC and stuff. But if I chose emergency medicine, would I still have any free RPing time? Nerak grins, "Oh yeah... my specialties are Bonehealing and Pediatrics, though I've not seen a child yet! hehe... General Healing is a basis for all specialties. Nerak as a matter of fact, The RP I've done most is doing physicals on dragon candidates! hehe... Trau okays and chooses emergency medicine as a specialty. Nerak Do you have any other questions for me? Specialty is not really chosen until you're a Sr. Journeyman, but we are just curious as to which direction you are headed... kind of a heads up to someone else who specializes in that, so they can teach some classes in it! hehe Trau says, "Yeah I didn't think that a student would have a specialty yet, but that's what I'm going for." Nerak Ok, then we're done w/the official questions, you still need to fill out the questionaire... were you able to see the questionaire? Trau says, "No, I didn't see it." Nerak ok... try typing "help healer" without the quotes and let me know if you see anything Nerak hmmm, actually, "help healer craft" is better for you.... Nerak were you able to see it?? Trau says, "Ummm...well, no, I didn't. Was it the "touch#11236" thing?" Nerak help healer craft does have the Touch #11236 thing... help healer has info about being a healer. Nerak ok... I have to go... thanks for the RP! I'll edit this and send to the healer staff to review. after they read your questionaire, they'll get in touch w/you. I'm on the staff, but it is a group decision. Trau says, "Alright, thanks for taking the time to interview me. Bye!" Nerak you're welcome... if you see me on and have any questions, dont' hesitate to ask! hehe... take care, and hope to see you in the hall soon!